ขอนอบน้อมพระผู้มีพระภาคอรหันตสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าพระองค์นั้น (พระอรหันตโคตมพุทธเจ้า)

Homage to Him The Blessed One: He is the Accomplished One, the Supremely Enlightened One, the Perfect Embodiment of Wisdom and Virtue, the Auspicious Pathfinder, the Knower of All Realms, the Incomparable Tamer of Individuals, the Supreme Master of Gods and Men, the Mightiest in Ten Thousand Universes and too far beyond Gods and Men's imaginations, the Awakened One, the Analyst.

Actually, the incomparable power of the Bra Paramies - the incomparable good deeds of the Gautama Buddha as to the Mightiest of Ariya God is too far beyond people or Gods and Men's imaginations. See the true information via the จูฬนีสูตร/Julani Sutta พ. ดูกรอานนท์ นั้นเป็นสาวก ส่วนพระตถาคตนับไม่ถ้วน ท่านพระอานนท์ ได้ทูลถามพระผู้มีพระภาคแม้เป็นครั้งที่ ๓ ว่า ข้าแต่พระองค์ผู้เจริญ ข้าพระองค์ได้สดับรับฟังมาเฉพาะพระพักตร์พระผู้มีพระภาคว่า ดูกรอานนท์ สาวกของพระสิขีสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าซึ่งมีนามว่า อภิภู ยืนอยู่ในพรหมโลกทำให้พันโลกธาตุรู้แจ้งได้ด้วยเสียง พระเจ้าข้า ส่วนพระผู้มีพระภาคอรหันตสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าเล่า ทรงสามารถที่จะทำโลกธาตุเท่าไรให้รู้แจ้งได้ด้วยพระสุรเสียง ฯ

พ. ดูกรอานนท์ เธอได้ฟังเรื่องพันโลกธาตุ เพียงเล็กน้อย ฯ อา. ข้าแต่พระผู้มีพระภาค ข้าแต่พระสุคต บัดนี้เป็นกาลเวลาแห่งเทศนาที่พระองค์จะพึงตรัส ภิกษุทั้งหลายได้สดับธรรมเทศนาของพระผู้มีพระภาคแล้ว จักทรงจำไว้ ฯ

Note 05/12/2015: I am very annoyed with myself, because I thought, and completely believed, that I'd already cleared out the messy messages a long time ago. Now all of them have been completely cleared out.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

When I am Gone ปุพพสูตร - พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๒ - อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต

The Buddha taught the monks to consider the Dhamma and Vinaya as their teacher after His passing away. "I have delivered sermons with transcendental wisdom to you for forty-five years. You must learn them well and treasure them. You must practise and teach them to others. They will be of great use for the welfare of the living and for those who come after them. They do not know what they were born for and do not understand Nirvana (Nibbana), the highest state and the incomparable peaceful existence, just as you do not, if the world exists without the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sankha. When I pass away, monks, you should not think, 'we are without a master; we no longer have a teacher.'" Updated: 17/07/2016 15:03:45., 19/09/2016 11:30:45.

The Buddha also addressed the Venerable Ananda. "Ananda, could you explain how monks and nuns and male and female lay devotees should honour the Tathagata?" "As you say, Tathagata," replied the Venerable Ananda, "those monks and nuns, male and female lay devotees and whosoever lives in accordance with the Dhamma honours and reveres the Tathagata with their homage and devotion."

"Therefore, Ananda, you must train yourself herein so that you live in accordance with the Dhamma in which there is no bias. The Dhamma is available to everyone or all rights reserved, but no-one can claim ownership of it (as long as it is acknowledged and notices should be kept intact on) ๓. มหาปรินิพพานสูตร (๑๖)." Through this conduct the disciples of the Buddha honour Him with their practising, moral conduct and refraining from making material offerings. พระไตรปิฏก เล่มที่ ๒๑ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๓ - อังคุตตรนิกาย จตุกกนิบาต - จตุตถปัณณาสก์ - อินทรียวรรคที่ ๑ Updated: 09/06/2016 06:30:45.

"O, monks! You are not inheritors of material things. I have sympathy for you, but how may my disciples inherit the Dhamma and not material objects, not cheat others for profit and fame, but practise self-restraint culminating in realisation?" สัทธาสูตร / มหาจุนทสูตร / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๔ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๖ - อังคุตตรนิกาย ทสก-เอกาทสกนิบาต

Herein the Buddha admonished the undesirable elements among the disciples in strong terms: "Those scheming, stubborn, gossiping, aggressive, insolent and uncontrolled ones are not my legitimate followers."

"My years are now ripe and the life left is short; my journey is drawing to a close. I will soon reach my last day and will have to leave you. You must be earnest. O, monks, be mindful of virtuous discipline. Whoever gives unstinting effort to pursue the Dhamma Teaching will go beyond the cycle of reincarnations and will end their suffering."

The Buddha addressed the Venerable Ananda, "When I have passed away, my Teaching and the disciplinary doctrine which I have taught shall be your teacher. For this reason it would be wrong to think that on my passing you are without a master or a teacher." He further enunciated that, "I have reached the sum of my days; I am turning eighty years of age. Therefore, Ananda, be an illuminating lamp of wisdom and a refuge unto yourself. Look for no other refuge; let the Truth be your lamp of wisdom and you refuge."

"Behold now monks – Appamadena Sampadetha Vaya, Dhamma Sankhara – I insist to you that decay is inherent in all things. Execute your duties and seek your salvation diligently." These were the last words of the Victorious One.

The Blessed One then entered into the first stage of meditative absorption (Pathamajhana). From this physical form He progressively entered into the second physical stage (Tutiyajhana), the third physical stage (Tatiyajhana) and the fourth, final physical stage (Catutthayajhana). สมาธิสูตร / เวรัญชกัณฑ์ เรื่องเวรัญชพราหมณ์ Updated: 27/06/2016 13:45:54.,05072016 19:17:45.

He then withdrew from the final physical form and entered into the selfless state of mind in which the infinity of space alone is present (Aakasanancayatana). From here He progressed to the state of mind where the infinity of thought alone is present (Viñanancayatana) and then rose to the state of mind where nothing at all is present (Aakincañayatana). สุขในรูปฌานและอรูปฌาน - [๑๐๑] ดูกรอานนท์ เราไม่ยอมรับรู้ถ้อยคำของผู้ที่กล่าวอย่างนี้ว่า สัตว์ทั้งหลายย่อมเสวยสุขโสมนัส มีกามสุขนี้เป็นอย่างยิ่ง ข้อนั้นเพราะเหตุไร เพราะสุขอื่นที่ดียิ่งกว่าและประณีตกว่าสุขนี้ยังมีอยู่. Updated: 10/11/2016 18:22:45.

Rising from here He entered the state between consciousness and unconsciousness (Nevasañanasañayatana). Withdrawing from this stage, He entered the stage of unconsciousness where neither sensations of the mind or symptoms of pain nor suffering arise – the most divine and peaceful state of meditation (Sañavetayitanirotasamapati) สมาธิสูตร / สมาธิสูตรที่ ๒ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๑ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๓ / ๒. สามัญญผลสูตร. See more information from these Suttas, [๖๖] ดูกรอานนท์ วิโมกข์ ๘ ประการเหล่านี้ ๘ ประการเป็นไฉน, / มหาขันธกะ โพธิกถา ปฏิจจสมุปบาทมนสิการ /๖. ปัจจยาการวิภังค์ สุตตันตภาชนีย์ / ๔. ปริวัฏฏสูตร - ว่าด้วยการรู้อุปาทานขันธ์โดยเวียนรอบ ๔ / ๒. วิภังคสูตร / มหาวรรคที่ ๗ - ๑. อัสสุตวตาสูตรที่ ๑ / ๒. อัสสุตวตาสูตรที่ ๒ / วิโมกข์ ๖๘ จาก มหาวรรค วิโมกขกถา - บริบูรณ์นิทาน / ติกนิเทศ ...[๙๒๖] ในติกมาติกาเหล่านั้น อกุศลมูล ๓ เป็นไฉน and ว่าด้วยวิเวก ๓ อย่าง. Updated: 08/12/2015., 28/06/2016 14:23:54.

He then withdrew from this, the final, highest stage, and returned to the first state of meditative absorption (Pathamajhana) via all of the previous stages. From here He once again passed through the second, third and fourth physical stages after which He passed away to Nibbana (Nirvana: the highest most peaceful permanent state of existence, free from desire and the Arahanta or Nirvana state is including while holding the Five Aggregates ๗. ธาตุสูตร Updated: 07/05/2016 02:40:54.).

The Supremely Enlightened One had shown the real nature of physical objects such that even in His own life He had to shed them. Though He is a being without equal, powerful in wisdom and supremely enlightened He still had to pass away.

Still and all, it is still heard from time to time which meanings of the topic of the day and war of words, as a consequence to the spirit realms of war between the lower to lowest/dreadful spirits have been fighting against the normal and/or the super-eminent spirits, onwards the state-of-the-art (pertaining to higher and highest level (but where it's lower than the Ariya the stages of soul/mind/spirit) of development at time, which known as the realms of great and greater spirits, in context), of which, the meanings of, such as the 4 Down-Vote/down-vote, in which, the downtown and the go on downward town is where it's at. ๒. ฉวิโสธนสูตร (๑๑๒) / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๔ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๖ - มัชฌิมนิกาย อุปริปัณณาสก์. Updated:10/01/2013 13:51:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59., 28/06/2016 14:07:45., 16/08/2016 18:51:45-51., 06/02/2023 17:51:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59.

Note: This piece of work is based on the ๓. มหาปรินิพพานสูตร (๑๖) / [๙๓] ครั้นนั้น พระผู้มีพระภาคประทับอยู่ตามความพอพระทัยในอัมพปาลีวันแล้ว... / ๑. มหาปทานสูตร (๑๔) / ๒. มหานิทานสูตร (๑๕) / สุมังคลวิลาสีนี ทีฆนิกาย มหาวรรควรรณนา อรรถกถามหาปทานสูตร


พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

โปสาลมาณวกปัญหานิทเทส ว่าด้วยปัญหาของท่านโปสาละ / ปิงคิยปัญหาที่ ๑๖ / ธรรมปริยายสูตร / อรรถกถาโปสาลมาณวกปัญหานิทเทสที่ ๑๔ / จตุตถปัณณาสก์ อินทรียวรรคที่ ๑ Updated:10/01/2013 13:51:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59., 27.02.2015., 28/06/2016 14:07:45., 16/08/2016 18:51:45-51., 06/02/2023 17:51:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม


[๕๔] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย ได้ยินว่า ณ ที่นั้น พระผู้มีพระภาคอรหันตสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าพระนามว่าวิปัสสี ทรงสวดพระปาติโมกข์ในที่ประชุมพระภิกษุสงฆ์ดังนี้ ๑. มหาปทานสูตร (๑๔) / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๒ - ทีฆนิกาย มหาวรรค Updated: 20/07/2016 22:47:45.

ดูก่อนภิกษุทั้งหลาย! การที่เธอจะไปประกาศพระศาสนาในที่ใดๆ ขอเธอจงใช้คำสอนหลักใหญ่ในพระพุทธศาสนาให้เหมือนกันทั้งหมด ดังนี้

๑. สัพพปาปัสสะ อกรณัง - เว้นจากความชั่วทั้งปวง ทั้ง ทางกาย วาจา ใจ
๒. กุลัสสูปสัมปทา – จงทำความดีให้ถึงพร้อมด้วย กาย วาจา ใจ
๓. สจิตตปริโยทปนัง – จงชำระใจของตนให้ผ่องแผ้วหมดจด ใสปราสจากเครื่องเศร้าหมอง เช่น รัก โลภ โกรธ หลง อิจฉาริษยา ความเห็นแก่ตัว และกามเมถุน เป็นต้น (โดยธรรมชาติแล้วความอิจฉาริษยาเห็นแก่ตัวสองตัวนี้ทำงานร่วมกันหรือปฏิสัมพันธิ์กันโดยอัตโนมัติ!)

องค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าทรงยืนยันว่าพระพุทธเจ้าทุกๆ พระองค์ทรงตรัสอย่างนี้เหมือนกันหมด ๒. สามัญญผลสูตร - เรื่องพระเจ้าอชาตศัตรู Updated: 29/06/2016 18:41:45., 28/08/2016 10:45:54.

The Buddha addressed all the Arahanta monks who were going to distribute the Dhamma Teaching for the benefit and welfare of all beings. He impressed on them to introduce the three main parts of the Dhamma Teaching - the Heart of the Dhamma:

1. Sabbapapassa-akorranang – indifference to/towards and refraining from evil acts of the soul, physical body and speech.
2. Kulassoo basambatha – practise upright and dutiful conduct of the soul, physical body and speech. Be the perfect embodiment of wisdom and virtue (เป็นผู้ถึงพร้อมด้วยวิชชาและจรณะ).
3. Sacittapariyodapanang – make your senses tranquil so the mind is beyond sorrow; taint free and secure having overcome envy, selfishness, greed, rage, delusion and lost in sexual desire.

The Accomplished One claimed that all of the previous Buddhas practised the same rules of Dhamma Teaching. Late updated: 14/03/2016 18:55:54., 06/04/2018 13:48:45.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม


Homage to Him The Blessed One: He is the Accomplished One, the Supremely Enlightened One, the Perfect Embodiment of Wisdom and Virtue, the Auspicious Pathfinder, the Knower of All Realms, the Incomparable Tamer of Individuals, the Supreme Master of Gods and Men, the Awakened One, the Analyst.

The Bhikkhus from Wakkhumuta River (เรื่องภิกษุชาวฝั่งแม่น้ำวัคคุมุทา)

จตุตถปาราชิกสิกขาบท เรื่องภิกษุพวกฝั่งแม่น้ำวัคคุมุทา [๒๒๗] / ทรงบัญญัติปฐมบัญญัติ [๒๓๑] / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑ พระวินัยปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑ - มหาวิภังค์ ภาค ๑ Updated: 21/07/2016 10:56:45.

Intentionally speaking falsely to promote themselves to others

[227] During a particular rain retreat the Buddha was staying in the Pinnacled Hall at Khudakhan Monastery in the Mahawana forest in Vesali, the capital of Vajji kingdom, situated on the north of the bank of Ganges River. Nearby, on the bank of the Wakkhumuta River, there was a large group of acquainted monks from diverse minorities. They were sharing opinions with the aim of formulating new plans for survival.

This was because the region was in the midst of a widespread famine - the civilians were starving. People were using coupons to obtain food from area leaders representing the King though the rations were never adequate to ease their suffering. These circumstances caused mass deaths amongst the population and countless white skeletons were littered nearly everywhere across the land. This famine also caused extreme hardship for the monks when on their alms-rounds in the region because the lay people couldn’t spare any of their meagre food supplies to offer to them.

Consequently the monks needed to find a way to survive. They spent a lot of time meeting and formulating their plans for how to win the hearts of the people to encourage them to offer food. Some monks suggested that they should show compassion toward each other and agree to live peacefully as this would be appreciated by lay people who would see them as calm and serene while they went about their alms-rounds.

Some other monks suggested that they should try to help lay followers by working in normal households and accepting food from the grateful householders if it was offered. Others still said that they should respect other’s opinions and each other during the rain-retreat and their serenity would impress the lay people.

A monk from another group advised that they should avoid working in private households, but instead should help people by distributing news to keep them informed of the current situation. He argued that if they practised this they would gain more respect from the people who in turn would offer them food.

The last group of monks discussed which course of action they thought was best. They said, 'We should pretend to have attained higher levels of consciousness. If people believe we have attained the Ariya stages they will be more inclined to offer food to us. Pretend that those bhikkhus attained Pathamajhana, those bhikkhus gained Tutiyajhana, those bhikkhus reached Tatiyajhana and those bhikkhus obtained Catutthayajhana. Those bhikkhus realized Sodapatti, those bhikkhus acquired Skitakhami, those bhikkhus reap Anakhami, and those bhikkhus accomplished Arahant. Those bhikkhus gained *Devijho (เตวิโช/วิชา ๓) and those bhikkhus attained *Chalapinyo

He continued on saying that they should take extra care to act in complete unison with each other, not to quarrel and to live peacefully during the rain-retreat. They believed that this was the best course of action for them to take. It came to pass that all the bhikkhus agreed to implement this plan in order to survive the tough circumstances of the widespread famine.

So the bhikkhus went door to door to announce their plan to lay people. They said, ‘those bhikkhus attained Pathamajhana, those bhikkhus gained Tutiyajhana, those bhikkhus reached Tatiyajhana and those bhikkhus obtained Catutthayajhana. Those bhikkhus realized Sodapatti, those bhikkhus acquired Skitakhami, those bhikkhus reap Anakhami, and those bhikkhus accomplished Arahant. Those bhikkhus gained *Devijho (เตวิโช/วิชา ๓) and those bhikkhus attained *Chalapinyo (ฉฬภิญโญ/อภิญญา ๖).'

By all accounts, the people living around the banks of the Ganges and Wakkhumuta rivers completely believed the monks’ stories – they never questioned them and even complimented them on their conduct. The people said ’it is very auspicious and it’s a good opportunity for us to revere and make merit by offering food or things to those principled and virtuous monks who are spending the rain retreat nearby’. They also said that, ‘beforehand we’ve never had the chance to see such principled and virtuous monks, not once.’

Despite their tough predicament in the famine many householders gathered their best quality food consisting of Bojana (staple food), Khataniya (snacks or biscuits), Sayaniya (desserts) and Bana (any drink acceptable in the Sangha) as best as they could to offer only to the monks. They did not eat any of this food themselves, nor share it with others such as their children, parents, house maids, workers, friends, courtiers, relatives or cousins until the end of the rain retreat.

A large group of monks came from different directions (ภิกษุต่างทิศมาเข้าเฝ้า)

[228] Traditionally after the rain retreat a large group of monks would come from different directions to meet up at Khudakhan Monastery at Visari and sit in a suitable place while paying respect to, and seeking the virtuous advice of, the Buddha. They especially sought advice for the problems they had encountered during the three months of the rain retreat.

At the time most bhikkhus who had spent the rain retreat elsewhere were said to look very thin, weakened and malnourished. The skin of some others was covered with veins and their bodies were mere skeletons. However, all the deceitful monks who had spent the rain retreat on the banks of the Wakkhumuta river looked very healthy and appeared well in comparison.

The Tradition of all Buddhas is to ask leading questions พุทธประเภณี

As a tradition all Summasumbudhas follow the same pattern of conversation with Their monks. The Buddha questioned the Bhikkhus, especially those who spent the rain retreat along the banks of the Wakkhumuta River. ‘Monks!’ He said. The monks replied, ‘The Most Venerable Sir.’ ‘How are things with you? Have you stuck to the principle of complimenting each other, agreeing to respect each other and not quarrelling, in order to live peacefully throughout the rain retreat?’ The monks replied, ‘The Most Venerable Sir, as You say, Tathagata, we are all fine and secure. We stuck to the principle of complimenting each other, agreeing to respect each other and not quarrelling in order to live peacefully throughout the rain retreat, Sir.’

Naturally all Buddhas know what is happening amongst Their bhikkhus, but They still practise the same rule of the Dhamma Teaching by asking only necessary questions to the monks. This is because Tathagatas are already free from desire.

Buddhas always ask leading questions relevant to Their audience. First of all He asked the monks if they had any dilemmas which he could resolve using the Dhamma Teaching. Secondly He asked a question relevant to the Vinaya rules in the Sangha. He also asked the Wakkhumuta bhikkhus how they managed to, ‘stick to the principle of complimenting each other, agreeing to respect each other and not quarrelling in order to live peacefully throughout the rain-retreat.’

The monks replied, ‘The Most Venerable Sir, we promoted ourselves and we have announced to people that those bhikkhus attained Pathamajhana, those bhikkhus gained Tutiyajhana, those bhikkhus reached Tatiyajhana and those bhikkhus obtained Catutthayajhana. Those bhikkhus realized Sodapatti, those bhikkhus acquired Skitakhami, those bhikkhus reap Anakhami, and those bhikkhus accomplished Arahant. Those bhikkhus gained *Devijho (เตวิโช/วิชา ๓) and those bhikkhus attained *Chalapinyo

Admonishment (ทรงตำหนิ)

[229] Upon hearing this, the Buddha spoke out ‘Did you truly attain the levels that you describe?’ The monks replied, ‘The Most Venerable Sir, actually we did not obtain any of the levels that we said we did’. Following this, the Buddha admonished the Wakkhumuta monks and the Supreme Master impressed upon them that, ‘what you deceitful monks did, and the way you did it, was totally wrong for people of your standing and these actions have no business in the monk-hood.

The basis for setting the Vinaya rules (ทรงบัญญัติสิกขาบท)

[230] The Buddha strongly criticised how the monks behaved in respect of their self-indulgence, lack of consideration to the needs of others and extreme lack of moral and self-discipline. Furthermore He hypothesised that it would still be preferable to cut a cow’s stomach open with a sharp knife and cause the cow to die in pain than to be deceitful to others. Deceiving others would cause them to fall into the bowels of hell when they pass away.

The monks’ mendaciousness would inevitably have the consequence that potential devotees and existing lay followers would eventually stop respecting them. After the Buddha had finished admonishing the Wakkhumuta monks He addressed the main group of monks saying, ‘Monks!’ The monks replied, ‘The Most Venerable Sir’. He then preached before them about the Five Great Marauders which exist in this world.

The Five Great Marauders (มหาโจร ๕ จำพวก)

Firstly, some Marauders yearn for the time when they will have followers numbering in the hundreds or thousands gathered around them with whom they’ll travel everywhere in the land – rural areas, suburbs, the cities and the capital. They will slaughter people - cutting victim’s arms, legs and severing other parts of their bodies. He’ll also set fire to residential dwellings, public properties and other buildings or order others to do so. You can still see some untrustworthy monks in the Sangha behaving like this.

These marauder monks are longing for the time when they will have followers numbering in the hundreds or thousands gathered around them with whom they will travel everywhere in the land rural areas, suburbs, the cities and the capital. They will perform mendacious acts on the very people who honour and revere them, continuously looking for offerings from people. This is the first type of Marauder monk in the Sangha.

The Blessed One then spoke about another type of Marauder monk in the Sangha. After these types have gained a complete knowledge of the Dhamma Teaching from the Tathagata and are living in the Sangha, they will start to announce to the public that the Dhamma Teaching actually belongs to them because they discovered it by their own effort. These ‘monks’, are the second type of Marauder monks in the Sangha.

Some other Marauder monks in the Sangha desire to slaughter and cause severe problems to other bhikkhus who have already attained the Ariya states and subsequent highest state – those who practise self-restraint culminating in the realisation of Nirvana. These are the third type of Marauder monks in the Sangha.

The next type of Marauder monks are plagued with craving and desperately desire lay followers to lavish offerings upon them. They will immorally fawn on people striving for the things that they want such as buildings, land, a shrine hall, a bed, a mattress, a pillow, pots, metal, any aluminium products, knives, axes, wheelbarrows, back-hoes, drills, raffia, bamboo, a grass-roof, clay, wood for making tools and clay products. These are the fourth type of Marauder monks in the Sangha.

The last type, and the most mendacious, of Marauder monks is the deceitful type who goes about announcing to all and sundry that they have attained the state of Ariya, despite the fact that they will never do so. The Buddha classed these types of monk as the Worst Marauder monks on earth, Deva plane, Brahma plane, Mara plane and other planes because they rely on people’s food which is obtained by deceit.

Note: The Five Great Marauders are commonly found in the same person. Updated: 28/12/2015 14:13:45

Nikamaghata (นิคมคาถา)

Any Bhikkhu who goes about speaking falsely or encouraging others to do so will never attain the levels that they have described to people, even though they still rely on food from others similar to the hunter who traps birds in nets. These Marauder monks commit themselves to the Sangha simply by wearing yellow robes but they are immoral and lack self-discipline. As far as the Buddha was concerned after they pass away they will definitely descend straight down to the bowels of hell. It would be more auspicious if they ate a red-hot iron rather than rely on food obtained from people by deceit.

The basis of Vinaya Rules (ทรงบัญญัติปฐมบัญญัติ)

The monks’ mendaciousness would inevitably have the consequence that potential devotees and existing lay followers would eventually stop respecting them. When the Buddha had finished admonishing the Wakkhumuta monks, He addressed the main group of monks saying, ‘Monks!’ The monks replied, ‘The Most Venerable Sir’.

'I want to preach to all of you about the characteristics of people who are difficult to look after and care for. These people are plagued with desire and voracious in their continual demands to grasp things from others, never feeling that they have enough. They don’t enjoy living serene and humble or modest lives and don’t want to spend a moment on their own. They enjoy hanging around with friends and chatting lazily ๒. มหาสุญญตสูตร (๑๒๒).

Note: The aforementioned texts are particularly directed to those who live in the Sangha and the householders. Householders should consider how the Buddha stressed to monks in the Sutta called ๘. ปิณโฑลยสูตร - ว่าด้วยเหตุที่ต้องดำรงชีพด้วยบิณฑบาต/8. Bindholaya-Sutta - the way of life for those relying on an Arms-Round for instance, He preached that '...These monks are similar to the half-burned wood left over from a funeral pyre; it is burned at both ends and the middle section is covered with the remains of the dead body. It cannot be used in the stove at home and is therefore of no value.' This proves that ignorant monks and/or Phanbundhits should never try to challenge the Buddha or the Dhamma Teaching. Updated: 20/12/2015 09:54:36. Late upddated: 20/12/2015 10:45:15

Another type of people are easy-going and are simple to look after and care for. These people are content to live humble and serene lives and most of the time they are content to be hermits and live peacefully. They are easy to train and it’s simple for them to eradicate desire and false views. They look respectfully for the views of others, are not voracious and do not demand and grasp things from others. They are determined to follow the Dhamma Teaching unstintingly and strictly.'

Note: 'Humble' means not proud or not believing that you are more important than anyone else, even though you may be a very wealthy and clever person. Or not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements.

All in all, The Buddha addressed the monks and said that, ‘Monks! For this reason I will set the Vinaya rules of the Sangha for you (all monks) to bear in mind and obey strictly. They are based on the ‘Ten Benefits which are as follows: to benefit for the whole Sangha; to bring peace and serenity to the Sangha; to put pressure on difficult monks and confront them; to protect the monks and nuns who follow the Dhamma Teaching and the Vinaya rules strictly. (as must possibly as they could to attain their targets)

To prevent unvirtuous actions in the present time; to prevent unvirtuous actions in the future; to impress unbelievers to believe; to strengthen the belief of current believers; to protect the Dhamma Teaching into the future and to keep all monks and nuns practising the Dhamma Teaching strictly, based on the rules of the Vinaya.

The Vinaya rules (พระปฐมบัญญัติ)

(4) Monks! The Buddha addressed the monks to advise them to draw attention to those who announce or promote themselves to the public as having accomplished the virtuous state of Araya and the subsequent highest state of mind despite not gaining any of these stages. These monks will say that, ‘I learned this and completed that’, after which it’s too late for someone to tell the truth about them because too many people have already been drawn in by their deceit and wholly believe them. These monks break the serious rule of the Sangha called Apatparajika.

Breaking this rule should result in the immediate and permanent disrobing of a monk though in reality this is often not the case. Even if the monk tries to explain that he committed the sin because, ‘he wasn’t learned and hadn’t completed any stage or Ariya and he accepts that he spoke falsely, he has still committed a serious sin which is wholly unacceptable to the Sangha and he must disrobe immediately and permanently.

Uncertain whether or not he has obtained the Ariya states เรื่องภิกษุสำคัญว่าได้บรรลุ

[232] A similar case to the one above is when bhikkhus misunderstand that they have attained a stage of meditative absorption and the subsequent Ariya states because they believe that their practise of self-restraint has culminated in the realisation of Arahant. Sometimes other monks will innocently convince them that they have attained these stages. Some others might believe that they are following the rules of the Sangha strictly but are unaware how their spirits are still plagued with undesirable emotions: selfishness, jealousy, greed, seething, malignancy, desire or craving ‘tanha’; greed ‘loba’; seething and malignant thoughts ‘dosa’; delusion ‘moha’; and lost in desire or lust ‘rhagha’.

When these bhikkhus felt concerned that they could commit Apatparajika they went to the Venerable Ananda to tell him of their dilemma. Consequently he went to report this to the Exalted One who explained that this happens widely to monks in the Sangha.

In summary, the Buddha enunciated and specified that this is actually one of the main problems in the Sangha. He then addressed the monks saying, 'Monks!' The monks replied, 'The Most Venerable Sir'. He spoke that, 'from now on whoever deceives people by saying that, 'I learned this and completed that' has immediately broken the serious rule of the Sanggka called Apatparajika.

(4) Monks! The Buddha addressed the monks to advise them to draw attention to those who announce or promote themselves to the public as having accomplished the virtuous state of Araya and the subsequent highest state of mind despite not gaining any of these stages. These monks will say that, 'I learned this and completed that', after which it's too late for someone to tell the truth about them because too many people have already been drawn in by their deceit and wholly believe them. These monks break the serious rule of the Sangha called Apatparajika.

Breaking this rule should result in the immediate and permanent disrobing of a monk though in reality this is often not the case. Even if the monk tries to explain that he committed the sin because, 'he wasn’t learned and hadn’t completed any stage or Ariya and he accepts that he spoke falsely’, he has still committed a serious sin which is wholly unacceptable to the Sangha and he must disrobe immediately and permanently.

To repeated to this means that the monk must disrobe immediately and permanently. Even if he tries to explain that he committed the sin because, ‘he wasn’t learned and hadn’t completed any stage of Ariya yet, and that he accepts that he spoke falsely’, he has still committed a serious sin which is unacceptable in the Sangha and he must disrobe immediately and permanently.

Updated: 05.03.2015 by Miss Bawwarwnrak Kringrasuponziry (นางสาว บวรลักษณ์ กริ่งวสุพลศิริ)

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

A summary of the four levels of the highest physical, peaceful, noble and virtuous states in Buddhism, known as Arahanta ๑๑. เกวัฏฏสูตร เรื่องนายเกวัฏฏ (ชาวประมง) / ๓. อัมพัฏฐสูตร

[๙๐] ข้าแต่พระองค์ผู้เจริญ ยังมีอีกข้อหนึ่ง ซึ่งเป็นธรรมที่เยี่ยม คือ พระผู้มีพระภาคทรงแสดงธรรมในฝ่ายอิทธิวิธี อิทธิวิธี ๒ อย่างเหล่านี้ คือ

๑. ฤทธิ์ที่ประกอบด้วยอาสวะ ประกอบด้วยอุปธิ ไม่เรียกว่าเป็นของพระอริยะ มีอยู่ ฯ

๒. ฤทธิ์ที่ปราศจากอาสวะ ปราศจากอุปธิ เรียกว่าเป็นของพระอริยะ มีอยู่ ฯ
๕. สัมปสาทนียสูตร (๒๘)

1. Sukavipassago (อัฌชาสัยสุกขวิปัสสโก) is the first level of Arahanta. It is the highest physical, peaceful, noble and virtuous state, completely free from desire, but has no skill in the four physical forms of meditative absorption. These Arahants have a miraculous sixth sense and use transcendental wisdom and the illuminated lamp of wisdom to attain the Ten Aspects of Parami, the Four Virtuous Principles and the Four Noble truths while strictly holding the 227 precepts in the Sangha. This leads to them eradicating the Ten Constraints. And the Sukavipassago (อัฌชาสัยสุกขวิปัสสโก) combined with the Devijho (อัชฌาสัยเตวิโช/วิชา ๓ ๑๐. ธรรมสูตร). Updated: 11/07/2016 12:54:45.

2. *Devijho (อัชฌาสัยเตวิโช/วิชา ๓) – is the second level of Arahanta. It is the highest physical, peaceful, noble and virtuous state, completely free from desire and these people strictly hold the 227 precepts in the Sangha. It is attainable by those who have mastered the fourth level of the physical form of meditative absorption. Those who attain Devijho become expert ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒) either in one of the following three kasins: Dejho Kasin (เตโชกสิณ), Ohthata Kasin (โอทากสิณ) and Aakasanancayatana/Air Kasin (อากาสกสิณ) and others. Each of these kasin will lead you to attain the following three skills:

Pupheniwasanussatiyana (ปุพเพนิวาสานุสสติญาณ) – The power of perception of the divine eye to recall all of one’s previous lives and the best tool to help us eradicate our desires.

Cutupaphadayana (จุตูปปาตญาณ) – The power of perception of the divine eye to find out how all beings died and came to be in the present. This skill raises our awareness of the actions we perform and have consequences proves for us the Aasawakkayayana (อาสาสวักขยญาณ) – The power to permanently eradicate all desires and attain Arahant - the existence of Nibbana. Relevantly, through Brahmaloka, heaven and hell. This knowledge is related to the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

3. *Chalapinyo (อัฌชาสัยฉฬภิญโญ/อภิญญา ๖ ฉักกนิเทศ) – is the third level of Arahanta. It is the highest physical, peaceful, noble and virtuous state, completely free from desire and these people strictly hold the 227 precepts in the Sangha. It is attainable by those who have mastered the fourth level of the physical form of meditative absorption via the ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒) and gained six special skills and the first eight kasin (see below). โกศลสูตรที่ ๑ / ๑๐. ทัพพสูตรที่ ๒ / ขุททกนิกาย ปฏิสัมภิทามรรค - มาติกา / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๑ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๒๓ - ขุททกนิกาย ปฏิสัมภิทามรรค - มาติกา / อารมณ์ ๔ Updated: 30/12/2015 17:18:23., 05/06/2016 13:04:54., 09/06/2016 19:48:54., 09/06/2016 21:54:45., 09/06/2016 22:33:45., 14/06/2016 17:40:45.

Tipcakhuyana and Tipyasota (ทิพย์จักรขุญาณ และ ทิพย์โสตญาณ) - The power to perceive the Buddha (you can see the Buddha every day through His Dhamma Teaching, just see the brief translation of what He said 'One who sees the Dhamma sees the Tathagata. One who sees the Tathagata sees the Dhamma. One who sees not the Dhamma, though grasping at the robe of the Tathagata, cannot be said to have seen the Tathagata. One who follows the Dhamma and vinaya teaching unstintingly will see the Buddha.' ๓. สังฆาฏิสูตร/Sanghadi Sutra), the celestial world and all beings, along with knowledge of their origins, future and karma (actions). Also a miraculous sense of hearing. Once this power is attained the following special skills can be gained: Updated: 26/05/2016 15:43:54.

Cutupaphadayana (จุตูปปาตญาณ ๓. อัมพัฏฐสูตร) – The power to find out how all beings died and came to be in the present. This skill raises our awareness of the actions we perform and proves to us the existence of Nibbana, Brahmaloka, heaven and hell. This knowledge is related to the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. Updated: 01/07/2016 22:36:45.

Cetopariyayana (เจโตปริยญาณ) – The power to sense the emotions of all beings and detect the purity of someone’s spirit. Also the power to examine one’s own spirit to detect the level of greed or desire and eradicate it.

Pupheniwasanussatiyana (ปุพเพนิวาสานุสสติญาณ) – The power to recall all of one’s previous lives and the best tool to help us eradicate our desires.

Aasawakkayayana (อาสาสวักขยญาณ) – The power to permanently eradicate all desires and attain Arahanta.

4. Arahanta Batisampitayana (อัฌชาสัยปฏิสัมภิทัปปัตโต/ปฏิสัมภิทาญาน) which is sometimes called the Eight Stages of Samaphati (Jhana) - which includes all the knowledge from the Tripitaka, the fourth level and also the highest level of physical form possible in Buddhism with knowledge of all languages in this universe.

These are people who have attained the ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒) and the Ten Great Elements (Peng Kra Sin – กสิณสิบ) (see below), the eight skills of Manomayitti and mastered the Eight Great Stages of Meditative Absorption or Jhana/Samaphati (Samaphat Eight – สมาบัติ ๘), the four physical forms (Pathamajhana, Tutiajhana, Tatiajhana and Catutthayajhana สมาธิสูตร / ๘. สัลเลขสูตร ว่าด้วยธรรมเครื่องขัดเกลากิเลส - รูปฌาน ๔) and the four selfless forms (อรูปฌาน ๔). And the Arahanta Batisampitayana comebined with the Chalapinyo (อัฌชาสัยฉฬภิญโญ/อภิญญา ๖). ๙. ฌานาภิญญาสูตร / เวรัญชกัณฑ์ เรื่องเวรัญชพราหมณ์ Updated: 14/06/2016 19:22:45., 27/06/2016 13:36:45., 05072016 19:17:45.

Aakasanancayatana (อากาสานัญจายตนะ) – the selfless state of meditative absorption in which the infinity of space alone is present while your mind is fixed on formlessness.

Vinanancayatana (วิญญาณัญจายตนะ) - the selfless state of meditative absorption in which the infinity of thought alone is present while your mind is fixed on the worthlessness of your body.

Aakincanayatana (อากิญจัญญายตนะ) - the selfless state of meditative absorption in which nothing at all is present while your mind is fixed on emptiness.

Nevasananasanayatana (เนวสัญญานาสัญญายตนะ) - the selfless state of meditative absorption in which between consciousness and unconsciousness while your spirit or mind is fixed on nothing. สมาธิสูตร / ๒. สามัญญผลสูตร / โมคคัลลานสังยุตต์ - [๕๑๙] ที่เรียกว่า อากาสานัญจายตนฌานๆ ดังนี้ (อรูปฌาน ๔) / ๑๐. สังคีติสูตร (๓๓) / ๑๑. ทสุตตรสูตร (๓๔) Updated: 14/06/2016 19:13:45., 29/06/2016 14:51:45., 29/06/2016 18:03:54., 01/07/2016 20:54:45.


พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

The essence of the Ten Great Elements (Sin 10)/กสิณสูตร is:

[25] Monks! The essence of the Ten Elements is that one should first learn that the Earth element exists in the air, below the ground, and in every direction. It is unique, the only one of its kind. One should learn about the Water element, the Fire element, the Wind element, the colour Yellow, the colour Green, the colour Red, the colour White, the bright Light and the Air element. The Ten unique Elements have always existed in the air, below the ground, and in every direction (in the Universe). This is how they work in more detail:

1. Patawi Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the earth element until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
2. Aapo Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the water element until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
3. Dejho Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the fire element until you become mindful of meditative absorption. When you practice this element you are likely to feel overwhelmed by the danger of fire. Some people even escape from their house as they think it is on fire. If you feel worried, try to withdraw from this meditation slowly and in a controlled manner.
4. Vhayo Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the movement created by the wind element
until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
5. Pida Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the colour yellow until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
6. Nila Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the colour green until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
7. Lhohit Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the colour red until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
8. Otha Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the colour white until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
9. Aalho Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on a pinpoint of bright light until you become mindful of meditative absorption.
10. Aaghat Kra Sin is fixing your attention/mind on the emptiness of the air element until you become mindful of meditative absorption. http://www.84000.org/tipitaka/attha/v.php?B=20&A=1067&Z=1266)." class="text-link" target="_blank">[๒๐๘] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย ถ้าภิกษุเจริญปฐมฌานแม้ชั่วกาลเพียงลัดนิ้วมือ ภิกษุนี้เรากล่าวว่า อยู่ไม่เหินห่างจากฌาน Updated: 29/06/2016 15:54:45., 29/06/2016 16:54:45., 29/06/2016 17:01:45., 29/062016 17:15:45.,01/07/2016 23:12:45.


พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

[๙๐] ข้าแต่พระองค์ผู้เจริญ ยังมีอีกข้อหนึ่ง ซึ่งเป็นธรรมที่เยี่ยม คือ พระผู้มีพระภาคทรงแสดงธรรมในฝ่ายอิทธิวิธี อิทธิวิธี ๒ อย่างเหล่านี้ คือ

๑. ฤทธิ์ที่ประกอบด้วยอาสวะ ประกอบด้วยอุปธิ ไม่เรียกว่าเป็นของพระอริยะ มีอยู่ ฯ

๒. ฤทธิ์ที่ปราศจากอาสวะ ปราศจากอุปธิ เรียกว่าเป็นของพระอริยะ มีอยู่ ฯ
๕. สัมปสาทนียสูตร (๒๘)

These are the Eight Skills of Manomayitti: The Buddha Possesses the Three Types of Idhi Patihara / ๑๑. เกวัฏฏสูตร เรื่องนายเกวัฏฏ (ชาวประมง) / ๓. อัมพัฏฐสูตร Updated: 01/07/2016 22:36:45.

... [๓๙๘] ธรรม ๓ อย่างที่ควรทำให้แจ้งเป็นไฉน คือวิชชา ๓ ได้แก่วิชชา คือความรู้ระลึกถึงชาติหนหลังได้ ๑ (ปุพเพนิวาสานุสสติญาณ) วิชชาคือความรู้ใน การจุติและอุปบัติของสัตว์ทั้งหลาย ๑ (จุตูปปาตญาณ) วิชชาคือความรู้ในความสิ้น ไปแห่งอาสวะทั้งหลาย ๑ (อาสวักขยญาณ) ธรรม ๓ อย่างเหล่านี้ควรทำให้แจ้ง ฯ (อัฌชาสัยปฏิสัมภิทัปปัตโต/ปฏิสัมภิทาญาน/อัฌชาสัยฉฬภิญโญ/อภิญญา ๖/อัชฌาสัยเตวิโช/วิชา ๓) ๑๑. ทสุตตรสูตร (๓๔) Updated: 28/08/2016 11:16:45.

Cutupaphadayana - วิชชา ๓, Tipcakhuyana and Tipyasota (จุตูปปาตญาณ ทิพย์จักรขุญาณ และ ทิพย์โสตญาณ) – This skill raises our awareness of the actions we perform and proves to us the existence of Nibbana, Brahmaloka, heaven and hell. It is also the power to perceive the Buddha, the celestial world and all beings, along with knowledge of their origins, future and karma (actions). Also a miraculous sense of hearing. This knowledge is related to the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

Cetopariyayana (เจโตปริยญาณ - วิชชา ๓) – The power to sense the emotions of all beings and detect the purity of someone’s spirit. Also the power to examine one’s own spirit to detect the level of greed or desire and eradicate it.

Pupheniwasanussatiyana (ปุพเพนิวาสานุสสติญาณ - วิชชา ๓) – The power to recall all of one’s previous lives and the best tool to help us eradicate our desires.

Adidangkayana (อตีตังคญาณ - วิชชา ๓) – The power to see the previous lives of all beings.

Anadangkayana (อนาคตังคญาณ - วิชชา ๓) – The power to see the future lives of all beings using transcendental wisdom to plan the future.

Patcuphankayana (ปัจจุบันคญาณ - วิชชา ๓) – The power to perceive all current events in the universe.

Yatakamma/Yatakarma (ยถากรรม - วิชชา ๓) – The power to perceive the root causes of peoples’ emotions and the underlying karma. People who gain this level they could be known as Khotaphuyana (โครตภูญาณ - วิชชา ๓) and they could be attain Sopanna/Sotapatti a and are should be eager to progress to the higher levels.

Aasawakkayayana (อาสาวักขยญาณ - วิชชา ๓) – The power to permanently eradicate all desires and attain Arahanta. Updated: 28/08/2016 11:33:45.

The merit called Palasamaphati (ผลสมาบัติ) is gained only by people who offer food to monks who have attained Arahanta Batisampitayana (อัฌชาสัยปฏิสัมภิทัปปัตโต/ปฏิสัมภิทาญาน/อัฌชาสัยฉฬภิญโญ/อภิญญา ๖/อัชฌาสัยเตวิโช/วิชา ๓ ๑๐. ธรรมสูตร). Also one who is very skilful at performing meditative absorption called the Sanyavetayitanirotasamapati (the result of the Highest state of the Arahanta - one who is very expert in all levels of the jhana state of mind). Also one who has been through extremely blissful meditative absorption - for a period upwards of seven days. This experience is extremely powerful and enough to bring success to the people who offer food to this monk on the same day. ปุญญาภิสันทสูตรที่ ๑ / ปุญญาภิสันทสูตรที่ ๒ Updated: 30/12/2015 18:26:54., 17/06/2016 12:22:45., 17/06/2016 12:45:54., 17/06/2016 13:28:45., 17/06/2016 14:45:54., 27/06/2016 16:08:45

Monks who hold the 227 precepts strictly, or Ariya monks who have attained the four physical jhana states, can enter a deep state of meditative absorption for between three and nine days depending on the power of their spirit. These monks are likely to reach this totally blissful experience from the Catutthayajhana level called Ehgakata.

The merit that people will gain from offering food to these monks is powerful. It also depends on the level of the monks' moral discipline and their purity of mind and spirit. Normal people or Ariya people can also access this meditation level and they will gain the powerful merit for themselves.

Updated: 27.02.2015., 17/06/2016 13:12:54.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

Author's opinions based on the Sampasataniya Sutta (๕. สัมปสาทนียสูตร (๒๘)) [๙๐] ข้าแต่พระองค์ผู้เจริญ ยังมีอีกข้อหนึ่ง ซึ่งเป็นธรรมที่เยี่ยม คือพระผู้มีพระภาคทรงแสดงธรรมในฝ่ายอิทธิวิธี อิทธิวิธี ๒ อย่างเหล่านี้ คือ ๑. ฤทธิ์ที่ประกอบด้วยอาสวะ ประกอบด้วยอุปธิ ไม่เรียกว่าเป็นของพระอริยะ มีอยู่ ฯ ๒. ฤทธิ์ที่ปราศจากอาสวะ ปราศจากอุปธิ เรียกว่าเป็นของพระอริยะ มีอยู่ ฯ

I am obliged to describe the benefits for people who have accomplished the two types of Idhirit:

1. As their minds are falling into a deep trance a natural and miraculous experience arises. They can take pleasure from miraculous pictures of all beings and nature as long as their minds stay under control.
2. They can exert control over those whose minds are weaker and especially those who possess less righteous energy; they can target whoever they want, create emotions in those minds and make them act as they wish, whether in an immoral or undisciplined manner*.

The aim of these people (1 & 2) is only to attain Idhipatihara and take pleasure in it while their performing their wishes and simply nothing further! They are unaware of being trapped in their ignorance and self-indulgent ways. This will only cause them to spiral down into misery.

3. These people miraculously experience the universe, many concealed things (eg. heaven, hell and other worlds), and fulfil their wishes while their minds are being cultivated.

4. When they have satisfied their desires they realise the nature of worldly-dichotomies. Then they will be eager to relentlessly scrutinise their ignorant and delusional minds. Finally they will see the true nature of their desires while they continue to cling on to the Five Aggregates – the original cause of ceaseless suffering in all beings.

After they've learned these things they will manage to eradicate their old ways and in due course will realise that all things in this universe are transient, including the Jana states. They will unstintingly practise the Dhamma Teaching until their spiritual journey culminates in the experience of liberation onwards to Nirvana. อัสสาทสูตร / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๒ - อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต Updated: 17/07/2016 23:36:54.

The aforementioned descriptions are common to practitioners from the Buddhist era to the present time. However, from now on I will only focus on the way that Idhipatihara works and what people use it for. My experience of how Idhirit fits in with Buddhist teaching was only when practitioners were in a deep trance with their minds under complete control.

At this point a person's spirit automatically processes Idhirit without noticing. After they realise what has taken place, they can access Idhirit whenever they choose. People who gain Idhirit this way are more likely to examine their minds in a righteous way than those who have trained in another way because they have had more time to become aware of themselves while concentrating on their breathing pattern and all movements (Aanapanasati from Mahasadhipatthana ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒) / ๑๐. สติปัฏฐานสูตร ว่าด้วยการเจริญสติปัฏฐาน).

Written 05.10.14; *last update 27.02.2015; **Author's opinion: except the Udkadhitana and Vipacitunu – see below.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

The Ten Aspects of Parami – บารมี ๑๐

Based on the information in the following link: ทีปังกรพุทธวงศ์ที่ ๑ ว่าด้วยพระประวัติพระทีปังกรพุทธเจ้า / อรรถกถา ขุททกนิกาย จริยาปิฎก Updated: 06/05/2016 10:51:54.

Parami (Manopupbamkama Dhamma Manosettha Manomaya) is a state of total spiritual and moral influence. All targets are attainable in this state.

1  Dana Parami is practising charity. The act of giving to support and comfort others culminates in perfect merit. It also eradicates selfishness and greed inside one and becomes a natural aspect of life. However, it should always be practised with wisdom and consideration. พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๓ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๕ - อังคุตตรนิกาย สัตตก-อัฏฐก-นวกนิบาต - ทานวรรคที่ ๔ ทานสูตรที่ ๑ / เขตตสูตร / เวลามสูตร / ๙. ทานสูตร / ๖. เรื่องเศรษฐีชื่อพิฬาลปทกะ [๑๐๐] - ให้ทานเองและชวนคนอื่น ได้สมบัติ ๒ อย่าง Updated: 27/04/2016 19:17:45., 07/05/2016 03:13:45., 15/06/2016 15:45:54., 23/09/2016 19:28:45.

2   Sila Parami is awareness of internal discipline which observes wrong conduct. (See the Sila sections.)

3   Nekkhamma Parami is considered to be the giving-up of the worldly life and its associated activities for a period of time. The aim is to practise austerity and make tranquil the senses of the mind. If the Eight Precepts are observed the hair can be left unshaven. The Ten Precepts are observed by novices; the 227 Precepts by monks and the 311 Precepts by nuns.

4   Paña Parami is transcendental wisdom which develops mental strength in order to eradicate ignorance and false views.

5   Viriya Parami is using vigorous effort to achieve the targets and aims to which you committed. This effort cultivates austerity and makes tranquil the senses.

6   Khanti Parami is forbearance and the enduring patience required when confronting worldly dichotomies. The mind does not tremble; it resides in a state beyond sorrow – taint-free and secure.

7   Sacca Parami is honest intent when performing actions. One should always maintain balance in one's conduct and ensure truth to oneself.

8   Adhitthana Parami is determination to continue practising the righteous way.

9   Metta Parami is loving-kindness. This positive thought towards all beings avoids creating enmity. It is very similar to Dana Parami. [๗๕๕] อัปปมัญญา ๔ คือ - เมตตาวิปากฌาน จตุกกนัย / [๗๖๐] อัปปมัญญา ๔ คือ - เมตตากิริยาฌาน จตุกกนัย / ๑๓. อัปปมัญญาวิภังค์ สุตตันตภาชนีย์ - เมตตาอัปปมัญญานิเทศ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๕ พระอภิธรรมปิฎก เล่ม ๒ - วิภังคปกรณ์ / เมตตาสูตรที่ ๑ / เมตตาสูตรที่ ๒ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๑ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๓ - อังคุตตรนิกาย จตุกกนิบาต / ยุคนัทธวรรค เมตตากถา - สาวัตถีนิทาน / ยุคนัทธวรรค เมตตากถา-สาวัตถีนิทาน ๒ / ยุคนัทธวรรค เมตตากถา-สาวัตถีนิทาน 3 / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๑ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๒๓ - ขุททกนิกาย ปฏิสัมภิทามรรค Updated: 14/07/2016 20:08:45., 14/07/2016 20:59:45., 16/07/2017 19:17:45.

10   Upekkha Parami is equanimity and impartiality when one's body is unbalanced by illness or faced by worldly dichotomies. The Gautama Buddha preached the message to ignore the sources of imbalance as a way to maintain Upekkha Parami. อาพาธสูตร / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๔ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๖ - อังคุตตรนิกาย ทสก-เอกาทสกนิบาต Updated: 10/11/2016 16:10:45.

Updated: 31.01.15

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

The Second Part of the Ten Aspects of Parami – บารมี ๑๐ ของพระเจ้าสิบชาติ - พระเจ้าสิบชาติ - พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๘ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๒๐

๖. กาลทานสูตร/ ทานสูตร / อรรถกถา ขุททกนิกาย จริยาปิฎก / ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒)

I've also referenced this Sutta: "กินททสูตรที่ [๑๓๗] เทวดาทูลถามว่า บุคคลให้สิ่งอะไรชื่อว่าให้กำลัง ให้สิ่งอะไรชื่อว่าให้วรรณะ ให้สิ่งอะไรชื่อว่าให้ความสุข ให้สิ่งอะไรชื่อว่าให้จักษุ และบุคคลเช่นไรชื่อว่าให้ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง ข้าพระองค์ทูลถาม พระองค์ ขอพระองค์ตรัสบอกแก่ข้าพระองค์ด้วยเถิด ฯ [๑๓๘] พระผู้มีพระภาคตรัสตอบว่า บุคคลให้อาหารชื่อว่าให้กำลัง ให้ผ้าชื่อว่าให้วรรณะ ให้ยานพาหนะชื่อว่าให้ความสุข ให้ประทีปโคมไฟชื่อว่าให้จักษุและ ผู้ที่ให้ที่พักพาอาศัยชื่อว่าให้ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง ส่วนผู้ที่พร่ำสอน ธรรมชื่อว่าให้อมฤตธรรม ฯ" [พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๕ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่ ๗ สังยุตตนิกาย สคาถวรรค - www.84000.org].

The previous ten lives of the Buddha when He was a Bodhisatta (Siddhartha Gautama) and had accumulated the Ten Aspects of Barami with potential to become the Sammasambuddha. Before He was a Bodhisatta He was known as the Vessandara-raja and after passing away He was reborn in the Dusida Plain. The Ten Aspects of Barami follow. This level of spirit is called ‘Paramatta Parami' and each of the levels are unattainable by normal people.

Note:ข้าพเจ้าได้เรียงลำดับของผลการสร้างพระบารมีของพระเจ้าสิบชาติในสมัยที่พระพุทธองค์ทรงยังความเป็นพระโพธิสัตว์ ไว้ตามลำดับขั้นตอนตามลิ้งค์ของ "พระเจ้าสิบชาติ" ทุกประการ แต่ที่หน้าฉงนคือในพระสูตรชาดกลำดับที่ 7 กลับไม่ปรากฎตามลำดับตามที่ควรจะเป็น ณ เบื้องต้น แต่พอย้ายตำแหน่งไปที่อื่น เช่น ที่ปรากฎข้างบนลำดับที่หนึ่งดังกล่าวเป็นต้น ฯลฯ Perhaps because someone who has taken work from this website (buddhamap.org) is supposedly trying to confuse other readers. Unfortunately, I have no power to control the 'Server'. Updated: 21/06/2015 13:59., 01/07/2016 21:45:54.

7. Bodhisatta called จันทกุมาร/ Cantakumara, His extraordinary life culminated in Khanti Parami – the spirit of forbearance and the enduring patience required when confronting worldly dichotomies. The mind does not tremble; it resides in a state beyond sorrow – taint-free and secure.

1. Bodhisatta called เตมิยชาดก/Demi, His extraordinary life culminated in Nekkhama Parami – the spirit of extreme endurance and patience.

2. Bodhisatta called มหาชนกชาดก/Mahachanok, His extraordinary life culminated in Viriya Parami – the spirit of relentlessly pursuing His spiritual journey to be the Accomplished One, the Enlightened One.

3. Bodhisatta called สุวรรณสามชาดก/Suwannasama, His extraordinary life culminated in Metta Parami – the spirit of loving kindness. This positives thinking towards all beings avoids creating enmity.

4. Bodhisatta called เนมิราชชาดก/Nemiraja, His extraordinary life culminated in Adhittana Parami – the spirit of determination to continue practising the righteous way in order to accomplish His target.

5. Bodhisatta called มโหสถชาดก/Mahosota, His extraordinary life culminated in Panya Parami – the spirit of transcendental wisdom which develops mental strength in order to eradicate ignorance and false views.

6. Bodhisatta called ภูริทัตชาดก/Bhooritata, His extraordinary life culminated in Nekkhama Parami – the spirit of giving up the worldly life and its associated activities for a period of time. The aim is to practise austerity and make tranquil the senses of the mind.

7. Bodhisatta called จันทกุมาร/ Cantakumara, His extraordinary life culminated in Khanti Parami – the spirit of forbearance and the enduring patience required when confronting worldly dichotomies. The mind does not tremble; it resides in a state beyond sorrow – taint-free and secure.

8. Bodhisatta called มหานารทกัสสปชาดก/Naratabrahma, His extraordinary life culminated in Upekkha Parami – the spirit of equanimity and impartiality when one’s body is unbalanced by illness or facing worldly dichotomies.

9. Bodhisatta called วิธุรชาดก/ Vidhurapandhita, His extraordinary life culminated in Sacca Parami – the spirit of honest intent when performing actions. One should always maintain balance in their conduct and ensure truth to oneself.

10. Bodhisatta called มหาเวสสันตรชาดก/Vessantara, His extraordinary life culminated in Dana Parami – the spirit of practising charity, donating not only personal objects but both of His children and His wife. The act of giving to support and comfort others culminates in perfect merit. It also eradicates selfishness and greed inside oneself and becomes a natural aspect of life. พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๘ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๒๐ - ขุททกนิกาย ชาดก ภาค ๒ / เทศน์มหาชาติชาดก เรื่อง มหาเวสสันดร 13 กัณฑ์ (เทศน์มหาชาติอีสาน) / เทศน์แหล่อีสาน (มหาชาติ) พระเวสสันดรชาดก 13 กัณฑ์ / สรภัญญ์พระเวสสันดร / สรภัญบ้านหนองฮี กลอนสรภัญมัทรีลาปู่ Updated: 04/10/2017 16:48:45., 04/10/2017 16:51:45.

This is the Parami which we’re going to practise to gain perfect merit, so as we’re leaving this world it will primarily improve our chance of reaching Heaven, Brahmaloka or Nirvana (the highest most peaceful permanent state of existence). The Gautama Buddha enunciated about the total spiritual states of Parami.

The Blessed One explained further the practise of Dana Parami. Straight toward to Nirvana is not the only option we have; we can choose other places where we want to settle as our own favourites. Therefore you are able to be reincarnated as a wealthy human, a Dheva, a Brahma or go straight to Nirvana; it's your choice – there is nothing wrong with any of these decisions. It’s up to you! ๑๐. สังขารูปปัตติสูตร (๑๒๐) - [๓๑๘] ข้าพเจ้าได้สดับมาอย่างนี้ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๕ พระอภิธรรมปิฎก เล่ม ๒ - วิภังคปกรณ์ - ๑๘. ธัมมหทยวิภังค์ / วิชชมานาวิชชมานวาร / ทัสสนวาร / อุปปาทกัมมอายุปมาณวาร Updated: 13/072016 16:45:54., 13/07/2016 18:24:45.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

In order to reinforce this to you, when the Exalted One was explaining about the aforesaid text, He confirmed that all of us would have the chance to attain Nirvana after leaving this world, too.

Right now we shall consider the Dhamma that the Blessed One compassionately taught us about the roots of desire because this aids the control of one’s mind in term of wrong views. Here you could say the components of the roots of desire are Loba (greed or selfishness); Dhosa (seething); and Moha (delusion). They form the base colour that is mixed with others to create a continual desire or craving. These three roots of desire create affluenza in society.

The Victorious One pointed out that to eliminate Loba, the main root of desire, basically involved practising Dana Parami – giving things away to support or comfort others without any expectation of gratitude. Loba is the enemy of this activity.

Significantly, we can imagine these three components of the roots of desire as a tripod. If we cut off one of its legs the remaining two legs will be impossible to balance and it will quickly fall over. Here, we shall examine how the Blessed One taught us to expel Loba by practising Dana Parami. It obliged to divide this teaching into three distinct levels, so as to preserve the accuracy of the Dana.

As you see, Dana Parami introduces us to higher states, which the Blessed One taught us to practise. The three levels are forms of perfect merits. In fact there are still some other forms of perfect of merit remaining.

Firstly we shall explore the three levels of practising Dana – these are:
- Dasadana – giving things away so as to support or comfort others but which are lacking the condition or quality that we consume in our own daily life.
- Sahayadana – giving things away so as to support or comfort others which are of equal condition or quality as we consume in our own daily life.
- Samidana – giving things away so as to support or comfort others which are a better condition or quality than the things we consume in our own daily life.

Regarding the spiritual levels of donors, the most vital concern is not to expect gratitude from any of the receivers. Herein, Devotees, please try to be aware of this as you practise this activity in order to improve your life and become an Ariya (a noble person) instead of a lower person.

Besides, you could feel regret and anger when you’ve donated something to a person with lower morals who disregards the compassion and loving-kindness you've shown towards them. The Compassionate One pointed out that if any of you hold this attitude you haven't truly practised charitable merit. Not only that, but you are also lacking in energy of spirit and this could cause you to travel to hell, instead of a higher state, after passing away.

The Victorious One enunciated further, 'Citte sankilithadhe, Dukkhati patigankha'. If you are in this state as you pass away your spirit no longer has energy and you could become one of the hell animals such as an angry, Evil Ghost; a Bretta (a hungry ghost with a tiny mouth and ugly features); an Asurakaya (a demoniacal or insecure hungry ghost who looks human, but occasionally has ugly features); มหายัญญวรรคที่ ๕ - อรรถกถาจิตตสูตรที่ ๑ or a Sattaderachano (just like an animal). /

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม Updated: 14/07/2016 22:30:45.

If you’ve been practising charitable merit with your total spiritual and moral influence, the aim being to aid or help others only, without any expectation of gratitude, you will be brought up to a higher state.

So maybe you still aren’t sure about giving your things away to support or comfort others because you feel shameful of your possessions, but you still want to practise this merit. In this case you'll eventually decide to donate only the objects which lack of condition or quality that you don’t want to use again – this is Dasadana – but for this it's still better than nothing. This is because you could reborn as a wealthy person, but not perfectly healthy because you haven't gave the good quality of products or any healthy foods.

Further explained by the Exalted One, practising Sahayadana (also called Upadana Parami) is to support others by only donating items of equal quality to what the donor uses themselves, without expecting gratitude from the receiver. He told that this merit making means that your spirit is getting firmer and approaching Nirvana, proceeding only forward.

If your spirit is strong and morally influenced when you practise merit by performing charitable acts you donate only better quality items than you'd normally use for yourself, without expecting any gratitude. The Blessed One called this level Samidana (also called Paramatta Parami) – it is the highest state of Dana Parami that you can practise.

Consequently, using the aforementioned description of Dana Parami we can wisely identify the level of our own spirit – whether it is lacking in energy, adhered to strictly or part of our everyday life. But hang on, as this is only practising Parami with objects; actually there is another very important thing for us to practise. It is called Abaidana Parami (Spirit of Forgiveness) and is a part of Dana Parami. It is a way to practise merit without the use of physical objects but requires far more effort of spirit.

We have to work together with loving-kindness and compassion or sympathy. As you see, our spirit can be totally influenced at this level while practising Dana Parami together with Abaidana Parami. When your spirit is at this level try not to be content with just attaining the first out of the Ten Aspects of Parami because all ten aspects are involved in the practise of Dana Parami. I'm really pleased to explain to you how these things work.

So, try to remember carefully when you first practised Dana merit. Did you really perform it to help others or did you do it just to show-off in public? If you really practised it to permanently expel greed and desire it's most auspicious. However, to please not forget how these two work: Loba works by only pulling you backwards and creating enemies in the long term. Alternatively, Dana works in terms of building up permanent relationships.

Therefore, more further how Dana merit can create many friendships. To practise charity is the most auspicious thing, but to expect no gratitude is a better way to act. For instance, the Buddha was compassionate to Tevatatta/๑๐. เทวทัตตสูตร / เรื่องพระเทวทัตต์ / เรื่องภิกษุผู้ประพฤติตามพระเทวทัตต์ / เรื่องพระเทวทัต / พระเทวทัตทูลขอปกครองสงฆ์ / เรื่องอชาตสัตตุกุมาร / พระเทวทัตหาพรรคพวก / พระเทวทัตจักเกิดในอบาย / การค้นหา พระสูตรที่ชื่อมีคำว่า เทวทัต, His cousin. The Blessed One gave everything He had to Tevatatta but he only repaid the Buddha in a bad and negative way. Updated: 06/05/2016 15:39:45.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

In the beginning explained that practising Dana to expel desire or greed will cause Dosa and Moha to be automatically destroyed at the same time. Even though it won’t completely expel these things, their energy will be considerably weakened but it will still be there, laying dormant in our subconscious. That is how it works and I will explain it in summary.

The Blessed One wants us to not only perform Dana Parami to eradicate greed, desire and selfishness permanently. The Parami is also compassion, sympathy, spiritual joy and loving-kindness. Without these things I guarantee that no one could perform perfect merit, such as Dana Parami. In the moment that we’re practising Parami, the level of our spirit is still low when compared to the Arahant (the highest physical, peaceful, noble and virtuous state of Mind/Spirit (free from desire)), and doesn’t even compare to the Buddha! Therefore, shall we propose that only if we’re full of ignorance or hatred should we do charity works?! In this state don’t even think about giving things away – your spirit would be almost bare of energy.

Clearly, when we practise Dana Parami we can see that Metta Parami (Spirit of Loving-Kindness) is involved, but without any sexual desire. It encourages and supports Dana Parami. Sila Parami (Spirit of Moral Discipline) also becomes involved as Metta Parami is a foundation of it.

By the way we’re practising merit to support and comfort others without expecting gratitude, so as to eradicate desire and greed permanently, with an aim to attain Nirvana. While we’re performing merit Sila Parami is involved. During this time the Nekkhamma Parami (Spirit of giving-up of the worldly life and its associated activities for a period of time) is the main tool for banishing the Five Hindrances: desire or lust; anger; lethargy; distracted mind; and doubt.

These Five Hindrances/ อวิชชาสูตร - [๖๑] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย เงื่อนต้นแห่งอวิชชาย่อมไม่ปรากฏในกาลก่อนแต่นี้ อวิชชาไม่มี แต่ภายหลังจึงมี / ๑. อาวรณสูตร (นิวรณ์ ๕) / ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒) / ๑๐. สติปัฏฐานสูตร ว่าด้วยการเจริญสติปัฏฐาน / ๕. สัมปสาทนียสูตร (๒๘) are all banished by practising Dana Parami, as described previously: Updated: 01/07/2016 22:06:45., 10/11/2016 16:10:45.

1. Desire or lust (rhaka/กามฉันทะ): Distraction by impermanent forms, smells and sounds, or lost in desire and lust which proves difficult to walk away from. Learn to eradicate rhaka by practising meditation and being mindful of every action and emotion so you can see things as they really are. Practising moral discipline and charitable acts such as Dana and the associated activities of Nekkhamma for a period of time can also be the cure.

2. Anger (dosa/พยาบาท): Becoming vengeful at any opportunity. One who has banished malevolence (enmity) and seething from their mind by practising meditation and is mindful of every action and emotion can see things as they really are in context (the situation within something happens). They also practise moral discipline. One who lives without unpleasantness or ignorance and is full of compassion wishes for the welfare of all living beings. One who already possesses loving-kindness has no reason to seethe or hold vengeful thoughts.

3. Lethargy (thinmittha/ถีนมิทธะ): Having no energy or motivation. One who has banished the mental habit of idleness by concentrating on charitable actions (the Ten Aspects of Parami) will eradicate lethargy using meditation and be mindful of every action and emotion. They will see things as they really are in context. As a result their mind will be lucid and conscious of itself - completely aware of everything around them.

4. Distracted mind (uttaca/อุทธัจจะกุกกุจจะ): Procrastination causes anxiety, worrying and concern. But when one wisely practises Metta Parami – which automatically includes Sila Parami – toward others in charitable acts and learning, with meditation and mindfulness of every action and emotion, they see things as they really are in context. They also practise moral discipline and become calm and still. Procrastination and distraction will disappear and they’ll live without anxiety.

5. Doubt (vicikitcha/วิจิกิจฉา): One who isn’t sure of themselves or others but who has banished uncertainty by practising Nekkhamma which includes learning, meditation and mindfulness of every action and emotion. They practise moral discipline and see things as they really are in context. All doubts will be banished from their mind and they’ll live with a mind that has outgrown debilitating doubt and is no longer plagued by an unprofitable (akusala) mental state. [๑๒] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย เราย่อมไม่เล็งเห็นธรรมอื่นแม้อย่างหนึ่ง ที่จะเป็นเหตุให้กามฉันทะที่ยังไม่เกิด เกิดขึ้น / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๒ อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต Updated: 15/07/2016 00:36:45.

Devotees, as you see, when you practise just one Dana Parami the fourth Parami, Nekhamma, is present. The remaining six Parami will present themselves in due course and I will explain how they work together, in their correct order.

The Victorious One mentioned that Paña Parami (Spirit of Noble Wisdom) is also present when we practise Dana Parami.

Any deeds worthy of merit always work together with Paña. We can contemplate how these Ten Aspects of Parami become so simple to practise in everyday life without noticing. Devotees, at the most basic level, do not create enmity but instead make good, secure relationships and become a true-friend to others wherever you go.

Metta Parami is the chief aspect of Parami when performing charitable acts and without it the resulting merit wouldn’t be perfect. When you inevitably come across an unfeeling brute of a human like Tevatatta don’t waste your time with regret – just ignore them!

Practise the higher level of Dana Parami until it becomes a natural aspect of your life and leads to Nibbana. If successful, you won't experience reincarnation or suffering ever again. Devotees, as you see Paña is contemporaneous to the Ten Aspects of Parami.

Another Parami which the Exalted One described was Viriya Parami (Inexorable or Unrelenting Spirit). For those new to practising Dana, it is very important to gain Viriya Parami, especially to support and encourage them to complete their own targets. Obviously it's not easy for most people to hand-out their possessions without any expectation of feedback or gratitude but without this Viriya Parami, I can guarantee that it is impossible to expel selfishness and greed from one’s mind.

For instant to someone who wants to make merit by charitable activity and is expecting to gain perfect merit. By donating physical objects, they need to practise Viriya Parami diligently to gain their target. But if they practise this with Abaidana Parami it will prevent the creation of enemies and enmity. It is very important for these people to cultivate Viriya Parami to banish seething and malignant thoughts. Herein as you see, we only practise Dana Parami, but the Viriya Parami is contemporaneous, too!

The next Parami that the Delivered One spoke about was Khanti Parami (Spirit of Endurance). This is another very important thing for us to be contemplate. Most of you Devotees, can see how difficult it is for us to manage our own possessions, such as our money. Without any Khanti Parami when confronting such difficult situations, I don’t think we could manage to give things away to comfort others and gain merit from our deeds.

Therefore it is essential for us to realise how necessary Khanti Parami is. Using lots of effort and patience to control our spirit so we aren't upset or don't rue our money when we practise charity in order to attain the Noble State, Nirvana or wealth and health in this life and future lives. Or in terms of Danang Sakkaso Panang (existing in a Heavenly Realm), perhaps as an Angel or Dheva who is free and secure, but not permanent like Nirvana.

So, we must work with spirit, wisdom and persistence in order to dominate and eradicate selfishness and unpleasantness. Sacca Parami (Spirit of Honest Intent) one can donate money to charity which difficult to earn, so as to attain Nirvana. Next, Adhitthana Parami (Spirit of Determination to Practise the Righteous Way) involves Sacca Parami to banish selfishness, jealous and greed from one's thoughts to become peaceful, free and secure. The result is to attain the Three Virtuous Levels:

1. Rebirth into the human world with the potential to be rich, healthy and intelligent depending on the level of their spirit while they performed charitable acts in their previous lives:
- Some are reborn rich; some are reborn rich and healthy; some are reborn rich, healthy, intelligent and compassionate and have the foundation of a good spirit.
- Others are reborn healthy, intelligent and compassionate and have a spirit of good quality and prefer a humble life.
- Others still are reborn healthy, intelligent and have a higher spirit that is full of the Four Virtuous Principles if they have attained Ariya state; like the previous type of person they prefer a humble life.

Note: A humble life is lived by Ariya state people and others who observe the Five Precepts as diligently as possible - preferably in a healthy and wealthy situation. Both these types of people are hard-working and like to spend their time performing charitable acts, sharing their wealth to support others. They have no attachment to the wealth that they donate to others.

2. Experience in a Heavenly Realm (including Brahmaloka). Note: After passing away some people experience rebirth in heaven immediately as their spirit was happy at the time of their passing. They descend to be reborn once again as a human because their accrued perfect merit is sufficient.

To be reborn in heaven and then as a human is the most auspicious situation. People who heed the Dhamma preachings will be more likely to attain the Ariya states in sequence and experience this.

Those who had good intentions while human will be reborn human while those who had bad or evil intentions while human will descend straight to hell, or the bowels of hell and be reborn as an animal for many lifetimes until they rid themselves of their karma and are eventually reborn as a human.

Those who had both good and bad intentions while human could experience both rebirth in heaven and then the descent into hell or vice versa. It depends on whether your spirit was happy or sad when you passed away. Some people descend from heaven to stay in hell for a long time and are eventually reborn as an animal for many lifetimes depending on how much bad karma they have. Others remain in hell for only a short time before being reborn as a human.

This is the natural judgement of your good or bad intentions (karma) throughout your life and how they affect your next incarnation.

Your social position or rank has no bearing on the circumstances of your rebirth. In this respect everyone has an equal chance to do good or bad in their life if their spirits are lower than the spirits of Neyya people who practise the most positive actions and rarely practise negative actions or behaviours such as consuming alcohol (but without losing self-control) or breaking the first four precepts. Consequently, for people who have attained Bodhisattava but except the higher Bodhisattava and who have leashed the level of the Ariya state of mind/spirit (see below). Consequently, 3. Attaining Nirvana. ๑๐. สังขารูปปัตติสูตร (๑๒๐) - [๓๑๘] ข้าพเจ้าได้สดับมาอย่างนี้ / อุปปาทกัมมอายุปมาณวาร Updated: 30/04/2016., 13/07/2016.

When your spirit lacks energy and makes you unsure while you practise Dana Parami the result will be similar to a tortoise whose head pops in and out of it's shell because it's unsure about what to do. Here the remaining Parami, Upekkha Parami (Spirit of Equanimity and Impartiality) will emerge to support your spirit, and you know when? Oh, it is while you handover your possessions to aid others.

If something is making you procrastinate – if you had only 500baht in your pocket and you handed 20baht to a charity then suddenly you needed 500baht to spend, you might feel awkward. If you hadn’t given away 20baht earlier on, it wouldn’t cause regret right now!

It is because of your confidence in the Delivered One’s teaching that Dana is the best thing to perform due to the fact that it will bring harmony to your life in the present and after you pass away, for sure. As you see this idea will eventually change your mind so you can ignore the transient things and not be bothered by them. You might have faith that even though you missed a very good opportunity, an equally good opportunity will come up in the future. Herein, as you see the Upekkha Parami emerges to support and comfort your mind when you are confronted by worldly dichotomies; your mind is not troubled and is taint free.

If you’ve been practising the aforesaid text but your Parami or sprit are still weak, the result will cause you to be trapped, travelling in a continuous circle of death and rebirth in Samsaravasa (Earthly Life), perhaps in good condition with full health and ample wealth. But if you practise until your Parami is stronger you will definitely be reborn into a Heavenly Realm or maybe attain Nirvana if your spirit has reached perfection. ๑๐. สังขารูปปัตติสูตร (๑๒๐) - [๓๑๘] ข้าพเจ้าได้สดับมาอย่างนี้ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๕ พระอภิธรรมปิฎก เล่ม ๒ - วิภังคปกรณ์ - ๑๘. ธัมมหทยวิภังค์ / วิชชมานาวิชชมานวาร / ทัสสนวาร / อุปปาทกัมมอายุปมาณวาร Updated: 13/07/2016.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

Introduction to the Four Virtuous Principles – พรหมวิหาร ๔

๒. มหาราหุโลวาทสูตร เรื่องพระราหุล ...[๑๔๕] ดูกรราหุล เธอจงเจริญเมตตาภาวนาเถิด / เมตตาสูตร / ยุคนัทธวรรค เมตตากถา-สาวัตถีนิทาน / เมตตาสูตรที่ ๒ / ยุคนัทธวรรค เมตตากถา-สาวัตถีนิทาน 3 Updated: 16/07/2017 19:17:45.

The Four Virtuous Principles are considered the middle, or highest, way of Dhamma teaching.
They are:
1   Metta – loving-kindness
2   Garuna – compassion
3   Mudhita – spiritual joy
4   Upekkha – balance

When a person's mind is under control and the Four Virtuous Principles are adhered to strictly, becoming a part of everyday life, the person will be able to constantly observe the precepts, properly and with little effort.

When one's mind is balanced permanently that person becomes wise. They can expel malignant and vengeful thoughts from their mind forever. This is known as Samuccheddhapahan. The Four Virtuous Principles are the foundation of the divine states.

The Four Virtuous Principles could be seen as a food that nourishes the observation of the religious precepts. This observation develops a wisdom that can eradicate delusional, malignant and desirous thoughts permanently.

When the Four Virtuous Principles are strictly practised and mastered the Eleven Blessings are attainable. These are:

1   Sukkham supati – One sleeps happily
2   Sukkham patibujjhati – One wakes happily
3   Na papakam supinam passati – One has auspicious dreams during sleep
4   Manussanam piyo hoti – One is dear to human beings
5   Amanussanam piyo hoti – One is dear to non-human beings
6   Dhevata rakkhanti – The Dheva and Phrama (Gods) will protect him
7   Nassa aggi va visam va sattham va kamati – No fire, poison or weapon will harm him
8   Tuvatam cittam samadhaiyati – His mind is quickly concentrated
9   Mukhavanno vippasidati – His features are bright
10   Asammulho kalam karoti – He dies in peace and in a perfect state of mind
11   Uttarim appati vijjhanto Brahmalokupago hoti – If he fails to attain the supra-mundane state in his life, he will achieve the state of the Brahmaloka

Updated: 27.02.2015

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

A description of the characteristic of the different types of people are:

1   Manussabrahmavo - Retains features of normal humans but has a noble mind with the Four Noble Principles perfectly represented. This person's features are bright and they would die in peace, achieving the state of Brahmaloka and one can accomplished the Ariya the state of mind and substantially to develop consequently to attain the Highest the state of mind as Nirvana with little effort.

2   Manussadhiracjhano - Retains the features of normal humans but his actions are not reverential and disrespectful of human rights. This person does not have compassion and their mind is beastly, leading them to die in darkness and experience reincarnation as an animal. A description of the human spirits of the Five Great Marauders (พาลบัณฑิตสูตร (๑๒๙) and มหาโจร ๕ จำพวก).

3   Manussanirayago - An unfeeling brute of a human. This person's mind is very dark and their actions lack any morals. Upon dying, they will fall straight to the bowels of hell. A description of the human spirits of the Five Great Marauders (พาลบัณฑิตสูตร (๑๒๙) and มหาโจร ๕ จำพวก). ๙. พาลบัณฑิตสูตร (๑๒๙)/9. Phanbandhit/Bhanpandhit Sutta: People who skilfully practise but are fake and fool themselves and others / จตุตถปาราชิกสิกขาบท เรื่องภิกษุพวกฝั่งแม่น้ำวัคคุมุทา [๒๒๗] / ทรงบัญญัติปฐมบัญญัติ [๒๓๑] Updated: 18/08/2016 11:42:45.

One's wealth or rank in society is irrelevant – no one can avoid the results of their actions in their present or future lives.

Updated: 27.02.2015., 30/12/2015 16:56:59., 09/09/2016 12:59:45.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

The four types of people are:

[๑๐๘] บุคคลผู้อุคฆติตัญญู เป็นไฉน / อาสีวิสสูตร / ชวสูตร / เกสีวรรคที่ ๒ เกสีสูตร / ปโตทสูตร / นาคสูตร / ฐานสูตร / อัปปมาทสูตร / อารักขสูตร / สังเวชนียสูตร / ภยสูตรที่ ๑ / คหบดีวรรคที่ ๕ - ๑. ปัญจเวรภยสูตรที่ ๑ / ๒. ปัญจเวรภยสูตรที่ ๒ / ๗. อนาคตสูตรที่ ๑ Updated: 26/04/2016 19:10:15.

1   Udkadhitanyou or Manusso. A high state of mind, wise, intelligent who observes the religious precepts strictly and perfects the performing of good deeds. A person who needs little teaching to attain the first Noble Ariya state of Sopanna/Sotapatti and the subsequent higher states. Sopanna/Sotapatti is the state of Virtuous Noble Wisdom attainable by those who hold the Five Precepts virtuously in normal life or in the Sangha. Their spirit can still be angry, but they always forgive. They still have vengeful thoughts but do not act upon them.

2   Vipancitanyou or Manussadhevo. Retains features of normal humans but has a state of mind equal to that of deities. This person would experience total shame if performing wrong deeds. These people require slightly more teaching than the previous type to attain the first Noble Ariya state of Sopanna and the following higher states.

3   Neyya. These people need more preaching, more often and for longer, than the previous two types in order to understand the sermons, take refuge in the Triple Gem and hold precepts virtuously when they join the Sangha (community) or in normal life. After rebirth these people will possess ample wealth, good health and will have the intelligence to progress to Ariya state.

However, these people can still have an angry spirit and vengeful thoughts like normal people and they won't be able to attain the first Noble Ariya state of Sopanna from this level. You can call these types of people Pra Sakkayabuttas, but the state of their spirits cannot compare to the Bhodhisattava's whose spirit attained the Sakkayabutta and Pra Sakkabutta, too. However, the state of their spirits are still lower than those of the Pra Sakkayabuttas that attained the Ariya state of mind or spirit.

Note: The first three types of people are connected to these three types of lotus pond which the Buddha preached about in this Sutra called 'พรหมสังยุต ปฐมวรรคที่ ๑ อายาจนสูตรที่ ๑/Brahmasangyutta Sutra (the First section of Aacayacana based on the first Sutra)' Updated: 09/03/2016 16:26:54., 27/05/2016 12:52:45.

4   Padhaparama. It is pointless to preach to these people though compassion should still be shown towards them. Let these people experience suffering for themselves until they realise that the Dhamma Teaching of the Gautama Buddha is the correct path to follow. อัสสาทสูตร / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๒ - อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต / ๙. พาลบัณฑิตสูตร (๑๒๙)/9. Phanbandhit/Bhanpandhit Sutta: People who skilfully practise but are fake and fool themselves and others / จตุตถปาราชิกสิกขาบท เรื่องภิกษุพวกฝั่งแม่น้ำวัคคุมุทา [๒๒๗] / ทรงบัญญัติปฐมบัญญัติ [๒๓๑]

Updated: 27.02.2015., 26/05/2016 11:19:54., 17/07/2016 23:42:45.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

An explanation of the Four Virtuous Principles – พรหมวิหาร ๔

[๑๔๕] ดูกรราหุล เธอจงเจริญเมตตาภาวนาเถิด / เมตตสูตร พรหมวิหาร ๔ Updated: 04/05/2016 19:15:45.

1   Metta is loving-kindness. Compassion comes from within and develops peace and harmony. People practising metta with wisdom will be kind of heart to one another and not lose their temper. All beings in the universe detest suffering and should be protected from it with sympathy and loving-kindness. This makes them secure. Metta is also supporting and comforting others selflessly, without any expectation of feedback or gratitude.

2   Garuna is compassion or sympathy for one another. If all beings in the universe practise the principle towards one another the atmosphere would be permanently calm and peaceful.

3   Mudhita is a spiritual joy derived from seeing others doing well. This principle also protects us from wrong views, such as jealousy and envy, towards any being who deserves the result of their good deeds.

4   Upekkha is the balance of spiritual and moral influence. This principle aids the control of one's mind. One is neither happy nor sad, nor excited by things around them when faced with worldly dichotomies. It is an unbiased approach when dealing with any person or situation. Sympathy should also be shown towards any person who requires your help at any time.

Whoever practises the Four Virtuous Principles is aware of the perfection gained from moral discipline, persistent contemplation and compassion. Compassion, and eradicating the Ten Constraints, will lead you to the states of Noble Wisdom – the Ariya states. Those in these Ariya states naturally adore Nibbana and don't want to be reborn.

Note: This piece of work is based on the www.84000.org.

Updated: 27.02.2015

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

The Ten Constraints (Ten Sangyhod สังโยชน์ ๑๐). A Sangyhod is a negative thought which clouds your spirit and prevents you progressing. They are base on the information in the following link: สังโยชนสูตร เจริญอานาปานสติสมาธิเพื่อละสังโยชน์ / สัญโญชนโคจฉกะ / ๙. มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร (๒๒) / ปุคคลวรรคที่ ๔ / ๕. สัมปสาทนียสูตร (๒๘) / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๔ พระอภิธรรมปิฎก เล่ม ๑ - ธรรมสังคณีปกรณ์ / ยุคนัทธวรรค ยุคนัทธกถา / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๑ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๒๓ - ขุททกนิกาย ปฏิสัมภิทามรรค Updated: 27/06/2016 14:02:45., 01/07/2016 23:12:45., 05/07/2016 17:45:54., 14/07/2016 20:59:45.

1. Sakkayatitti is the false belief that your body, composed of the Five Great Components/Aggregates (ruba - ขันธิ์ ๕), belongs to you. Imagine when you die your body will decay, but it is your soul who travels with all your good and/or bad deeds that will continue on to seek a new existence.

2. Vicikitcha is doubt or worry of the results of practising the Dhamma – whether it will be worth it in the end.

3. Silapadaparamasa is not taking the precepts seriously due to a lack of faith in the merit that will be gained from doing so. ติกนิเทศ - [๙๓๒] สัญโญชน์ ๓ เป็นไฉน Updated: 14/06/2016 17:45:54.

If you can eradicate these three Sangyhod permanently you will attain Sopanna and Sakitakami. If you attain the state of Sopanna, or higher, you will never be reborn in hell because your moral discipline is higher than that of normal people. สังโยชนสูตร Updated: 11/07/2016 00:30:45

4. Kamaraka is taking pleasure in all five transient things. They are the Five Great Components/Aggregates (ruba - ขันธิ์ ๕) that make up your body; sound; smell; taste; and feeling.

5. Patikha is attachment to thoughts which cause you unhappiness and anger.

If you can eradicate these five Sangyhod permanently you will attain Anakami.

6. Ruparaka is taking pleasure from the form of objects and the Four Great Physical Forms. See 'The Eight Great Stages of Meditative Absorption' below.

7. Aruparaka is taking pleasure from the Four Great Selfless Forms and stories and events. See 'The Eight Great Stages of Meditative Absorption' below.

8. Uttacca is procrastination in every situation, whether in the past or the future.

9. Mana is arrogance, self-importance, self-indulgence and a lack of confidence to act righteously.

10. Avijcha is ignorance as you take pleasure in desire, lust and the things included in Sangyhod 4 above. This striving causes delusion and you will not end your suffering. Updated: 31.01.15

If you can eradicate all ten of these Sangyhod permanently you will attain Arahant. In brief, the Eight Great Stages of Meditative Absorption or Jhana/Samapati (สมาบัติ ๘) are called: Pathamajhana, Tutiyajhana, Tatiyajhana and Catutthayajhana (the Four Great Physical Forms of Meditative Absorption – รูปฌาน ๔) and Aakasanancayatana, Viñanancayatana, Aakincañayatana and Nevasañanasañayatana (the Four Great Selfless Forms of Meditative Absorption – อรูปฌาน ๔). ๑๑. เกวัฏฏสูตร เรื่องนายเกวัฏฏ (ชาวประมง) / ๓. อัมพัฏฐสูตร

Jhana/Samapati is meditative absorption when falling into a deep trance. In this state of meditation you feel jubilant as you have attained the Four Great Physical Forms of Meditative Absorption (Four Jhana/Samapati stages - รูปฌาน ๔). All eight Jhana stages are Logiyajhana - the knowledge of worldly life arising from exploration of these meditative states.

The power of consciousness changes into perception during meditative absorption. Those who haven’t yet eradicated any of the Ten Constraints (Sangyhod 10 – สังโยชน์ ๑๐), including not ethically observing the Five Precepts, etc, will not attain any of the noble states of Ariya such as Sotapatti, or the highest noble physical state (Arahant). Anyone can attain these eight stages of Jhana, if they practice in an unstinting and disciplined manner.

Any monks or person who attains all of the eight stages of Jhana/ the Eight Samapati (Note: The Buddha only taught these Eight Jhanas to Ariya people or Ariya monks if they were interested. Not all of those attained this knowledge but they all know how it works. This knowledge has always existed but the Buddha clarified it. [๘๔๔] ญาณรู้ความแก่กล้าและไม่แก่กล้าแห่งอินทรีย์ของสัตว์เหล่าอื่น ของบุคคลเหล่าอื่น ตามความเป็นจริง ของพระตถาคตเป็นไฉน/ พระผู้มีพระภาคเสด็จเข้าไปหาเราด้วยพระฤทธิ์ แล้วได้ตรัสว่า โมคคัลลานะๆ เธออย่าประมาทอากาสานัญจายตนฌาน)

Should improve progressively straight to the Ariya state and onward. The knowledge of these eight special skills could be used for good or bad depending on the discipline of the moral spirit of those who attained them. For instance, some people might become arrogant, self-important and self-indulgent. It depends on those monks and people who gained these levels of Jhana to interpret and use them in a positive way to nurture the Dhamma teaching, just like the Buddha did*. This will definitely ensure progress onward to Nirvana.

Alternatively, if used in a negative way, such as harming or cheating other beings, the perpetrator and accomplices will face negative karma in their present life and be sent straight down to the bowels of hell after passing away. They will be reborn as Sattaderachano (an animal) for many lives, returning to hell each time they pass away. Eventually they will be reborn as a human, but not in a perfect state until they've rid themselves of their bad karma. It might take more than half a dozen rebirths to be born as a human in a perfect state. ตติยวรรคที่ ๓ ปุคคลสูตรที่ ๑ - "[๓๙๔] ดูกรมหาบพิตร ก็อย่างไรบุคคลชื่อว่ามืดแล้วคงมืดต่อไป... Updated: 19/03/2016 18:15:54.


พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

A brief explanation of the spiritual Ariya states: ผลสูตรที่ ๑ เจริญธรรม ๔ ประการทำให้แจ้งโสดาปัตติผล / มหัทธนสูตรที่ ๒ ผู้ประกอบด้วยธรรม ๔ ประการเป็นผู้มั่งคั่ง / ๗. กามสูตร

[๘๕] ข้าแต่พระองค์ผู้เจริญ ยังมีอีกข้อหนึ่ง ซึ่งเป็นธรรมที่เยี่ยม คือ พระผู้มีพระภาคทรงแสดงธรรมในฝ่ายอนุสาสนวิธี อนุสาสนวิธี ๔ อย่างเหล่านี้ คือ

๑. พระผู้มีพระภาคย่อมทรงทราบบุคคลอื่น ด้วยมนสิการโดยชอบเฉพาะพระองค์ว่า บุคคลนี้ เมื่อปฏิบัติตามที่สั่งสอน จักเป็นพระโสดาบัน มีอันไม่ตกต่ำเป็นธรรมดา เป็นผู้เที่ยง มีอันจะตรัสรู้ในเบื้องหน้า เพราะสังโยชน์ ๓ สิ้นไป ฯ

๒. พระผู้มีพระภาคย่อมทรงทราบบุคคลอื่นด้วยมนสิการโดยชอบเฉพาะพระองค์ว่า บุคคลนี้ เมื่อปฏิบัติตามที่สั่งสอน จักเป็นพระสกทาคามี จักมาสู่โลกนี้อีกคราวเดียวเท่านั้น แล้วจักทำที่สุดแห่งทุกข์ เพราะสังโยชน์ ๓ สิ้นไป และเพราะราคะโทสะและโมหะเบาบาง ฯ

๓. พระผู้มีพระภาคย่อมทรงทราบบุคคลอื่น ด้วยมนสิการโดยชอบเฉพาะพระองค์ว่า บุคคลนี้ เมื่อปฏิบัติตามที่สั่งสอน จักเป็นพระอนาคามีผู้เป็นอุปปาติกะปรินิพพานในภพที่เกิดนั้น ไม่ต้องกลับมาจากโลกนั้น เพราะสังโยชน์เบื้องต่ำ ๕ สิ้นไป ฯ

๔. พระผู้มีพระภาคย่อมทรงทราบบุคคลอื่น ด้วยมนสิการโดยชอบเฉพาะพระองค์ว่า บุคคลนี้ เมื่อปฏิบัติตามที่สั่งสอน จักได้บรรลุเจโตวิมุตติ ปัญญาวิมุตติอันหาอาสวะมิได้ เพราะอาสวะทั้งหลายสิ้นไป จักทำให้แจ้งด้วยปัญญาอันยิ่งเองในปัจจุบันเข้าถึงอยู่ ฯ ๕. สัมปสาทนียสูตร (๒๘)

- Sopanna – the state of Virtuous Noble Wisdom attainable by those who hold the Five Precepts virtuously in normal life or in the Sangha. They are faithful to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. Their spirit can still be angry and any jealous thoughts are dormant in their mind. They always forgive, though the legal process must still be followed when a law has been broken. They still have vengeful thoughts but do not act upon them. นิฏฐาสูตร - [๖๓] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย บุคคลเหล่าใดเหล่าหนึ่งเชื่อมั่นในเรา บุคคลเหล่านั้นทั้งหมดเป็นผู้สมบูรณ์ด้วยทิฐิ บุคคล ๕ จำพวกที่สมบูรณ์ด้วยทิฐิเชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้ อีก ๕ จำพวกละโลกนี้ไปแล้วจึงเชื่อมั่น บุคคล ๕ จำพวกเหล่าไหนเชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้ คือ พระโสดาบันผู้สัตตักขัตตุปรมะ ๑ พระโสดาบันผู้โกลังโกละ ๑ พระโสดาบันผู้เอกพีชี ๑ พระสกทาคามี ๑ พระอรหันต์ในปัจจุบัน ๑ บุคคล ๕ จำพวกเหล่านี้เชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้ ฯ Updated: 10/11/2016 16:41:45.

- Sakitakhami – the state of Virtuous Noble Wisdom attainable by those who hold the Five Precepts virtuously in normal life or in the Sangha. They are faithful to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. Their spirit is less angry, they forgive easily and they have no jealous thoughts. They still have vengeful thoughts but can dismiss them with ease.

- Anakhami/เสขสูตรที่ ๔ – the state of neutral, Virtuous Noble Wisdom, attainable by those who hold the Eight Precepts virtuously in normal life or in the Sangha. They gain wisdom. It is higher than Sopanna or Sakitakhami. Anger is dormant in consciousness and there are no vengeful thoughts. อเวจจสูตร - [๖๔] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย บุคคลเหล่าใดเหล่าหนึ่งเลื่อมใส อย่างไม่หวั่นไหวในเรา บุคคลเหล่านั้นทั้งหมดเป็นผู้ถึงกระแสนิพพาน ผู้ถึงกระแสนิพพาน ๕ จำพวกเหล่านั้นเชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้ ๕ จำพวกละโลกนี้ไปแล้วจึงเชื่อมั่น ๕ จำพวกเหล่าไหนเชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้ ๕ จำพวกเหล่านี้ คือ พระโสดาบันผู้สัตตักขัตตุปรมะ ๑ พระโสดาบันผู้โกลังโกละ ๑ พระโสดาบันผู้เอกพีชี ๑ พระสกทาคามี ๑ พระอรหันต์ในปัจจุบัน ๑ บุคคล ๕ จำพวกเหล่านี้เชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้

บุคคล ๕ จำพวกเหล่าไหนละโลกนี้ไปแล้วจึงเชื่อมั่น คือ พระอนาคามีผู้อันตราปรินิพพายี ๑ พระอนาคามีผู้อุปหัจจปรินิพพายี ๑ พระอนาคามีผู้อสังขารปรินิพพายี ๑ พระอนาคามีผู้สสังขารปรินิพพายี ๑ พระอนาคามีผู้อุทธังโสโตอกนิฏฐคามี ๑ บุคคล ๕ จำพวกเหล่านี้ละโลกนี้ไปแล้วจึงเชื่อมั่น ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลายบุคคลเหล่าใดเหล่าหนึ่งเลื่อมใสอย่างไม่หวั่นไหวในเรา บุคคลเหล่านั้นทั้งหมดเป็นผู้ถึงกระแสนิพพาน ผู้ถึงกระแสนิพพาน ๕ จำพวกเหล่านี้นั้นเชื่อมั่นในโลกนี้ ๕ จำพวกละโลกนี้ไปแล้วจึงเชื่อมั่น ฯ อรรถกถาตติยเสขสูตรที่ ๗ / Bra Anakhamibala / Citta Sutta & Atthakata-3 / วิถีมุตตสังคหวิภาค พระอภิธัมมัตถสังคหะ ปริจเฉทที่ ๕ / วิถีมุตตสังคหวิภาค พระอภิธัมมัตถสังคหะ ปริจเฉทที่ ๕ จากลานธรรมจักร ซึ่งมีภาพแผนผังของภพภูมิต่างๆ อธิบายไว้พอสังเขป / สอุปาทิเสสสูตร / มหายัญญวรรคที่ ๕ - อรรถกถาจิตตสูตรที่ ๑ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๓ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๕ / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๓๕ พระอภิธรรมปิฎก เล่ม ๒ - วิภังคปกรณ์ - ๑๘. ธัมมหทยวิภังค์ / อุปปาทกัมมอายุปมาณวาร / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่ม ๑๒ - อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต Updated: 10/11/2016 16:58:45., 10/11/2016 18:51:45., 10/11/2016 20:36:45., 11/11/2016 16:59:45., 14/11/2016 11:18:45., 14/11/2016 12:01:45., 14/11/2016 13:31:45.

- Arahant – the Highest physical, peaceful, noble and Highest virtuous state of mind. สังโยชนสูตร Updated: 30/12/2015 18:49:10., 11/07/2016 00:30:45

This is just a brief explanation of the four Ariya states.

For more information on the Five and Eight Precepts, please see the Pa Ka Ta page.

Note: This piece of work is based on the www.84000.org - พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม and such as through these Sutras/Suttas ๓. มหาวัจฉโคตตสูตร - เรื่องปริพาชกวัจฉโคตร - ปริพาชกวัจฉโคตรขอบรรพชา - [๒๕๙]... / ๓. อัมพัฏฐสูตร Updated: 10/11/2016 15:14:45.

Text translated to English by BuddhaMap.org.

Updated: 22/07/2016 19:51:45.

พระไตรปิฎก ๔๕ เล่ม

Any merit that arises from this website is shared with all of the truly honest site's visitors.

ด้วยผลบุญที่สำเร็จแก่ข้าพเจ้าผู้จัดทำผลงานอันเป็นมหากุศลนี้เพียงใด ขอผลบุญนี้จงสำเร็จแก่ท่านผู้อ่านและท่านที่บอกต่อด้วยความเชื่อและศรัทธา ซื่อสัตย์ สุจจริต บริสุทธิ์จริงใจ ต่อข้าพเจ้า รุ่ง/รุ้งกิ๊บ/Gift (นางสาว บวรลักษณ์ กริ่งวสุพลศิริหรือMiss Bawwarwnrak Kringwasutponziry) ผู้ก่อตั้งเว็บไซต์ www.buddhamap.org เ พียงนั้นเทอญ ฯ สาธุ สาธุ สาธุ ฯ

หมายเหตุ: การเผยแพร่ "พระธรรมคำสั่งสอนแด่พระอรหันตสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า โคดมหรือโคตมะพุทธเจ้า (Gautama Buddha) ฯ หรือ พระพุทธเจ้าพระองค์นั้น ฯ" ทั้งทางตรงและทางอ้อมอย่างถูกต้องยุติธรรม ฯ ย่อมเพิ่มพูนผลบุญอานิสงค์อันเป็นไปเพื่อความมีประโยช์เกื้อกูลที่ท่าน "พุทธบริษัท ๔" ทั้งหลายจะได้รับประโยชน์แห่งอานิสงค์ผลบุญนั้น ย่อมมีค่ามหาศาลอันคำนวนนับค่าประมาณมิได้ ฯ ทั้งในปัจจุบันชาติและอนาคตชาติเบื้องหน้าถัดต่อไปแล ฯ โดยเฉพาะท่าน "พุทธบริษัท ๔" ทั้งหลาย ควรแนะนำเผยแพร่ ฯ ด้วยการให้ชาวโลกเข้าถึง BuddhaMap.org 2013 อย่างไม่จำกัด ฯ ซึ่งจะยิ่งเพิ่มค่าผลบุญบารมีอันมหาศาลอันประเมินค่ามิได้ยิ่งๆ ขึ้นไปดีนักแล ฯ และควรปฏิบัติไปพร้อมๆ กับการเผยแพร่ "พระธรรมคำสั่งสอนแด่พระพุทธองค์นั้น ฯ" นับต่อแต่จากนี้เป็นต้นไปและตลอดทั่วทั้ง "พระพุทธกาลกัปป์แด่พระพุทธองค์ ฯ" เทอญ ฯ สาธุ สาธุ สาธุ ฯ

Very importantly, people who distribute the True Dhamma Teaching of The Gautama Buddha through the Buddhamap.org will definitely gain very great Parami (great good deeds) from it. Oppositely, people who distribute the True Dhamma Teaching of the Gautama Buddha of the Buddhamap.org but falsely claim that it belongs to someone else instead of the true author and they will gain very little Parami and afterwards will have to pay back very severe karma (very heavy bad pain) and it is illegal to do so. The real author is Miss Bawwarwnrak Kringwasutponziry/(Gift/กิ๊บ) น.ส. บวร ลักษณ์ กริ่งวสุพลศิริ . Place of birth: Nong Khai Province. Registered date of birth on Tuesday 17th April 1979. Real date of birth is around 06:09:45am on Thursday 6th September 1979, on a full moon. The Sun rose at 5:55:45am in Nong Khai province on that day based on Google search. Updated: 27/04/2017 14:55:45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59.

Essentially, no one can claim that they are the co-author of the Buddhamap.org and claim in front of people and in public that they are parts of me reborn - it is illegal to do so. Also very importantly, it is illegal for people to claim that only they have the authority and permission to translate and distribute the True Dhamma Teaching of The Gautama Buddha based on the Triple Gem - The Buddha, The Dhamma and The Sangha.

[๕๗๕] ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย มิตรผู้ประกอบด้วยองค์ ๓ ควรคบไว้ องค์ ๓ เป็นไฉน คือ ให้สิ่งที่ให้ได้ยาก ๑ ช่วยทำสิ่งที่ทำได้ยาก ๑ อดทนสิ่งที่ทนได้ยาก ๑ ดูกรภิกษุทั้งหลาย มิตรผู้ประกอบด้วยองค์ ๓ นี้แล ควรคบไว้ ฯ มิตตสูตร / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๒ อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต

[575] Here say monks! The person who is considered to have the foundation of the Three Scenarios has experienced very tough predicaments the person entire life. You should make true friends with the person and truly honest to respect with the person, too.

The first scenario is, 'The fact that it's beyond the knowledge of normal people to give things away to support and comfort other people without expecting anything back from them, in the context of the Dhamma Teaching (of the Gautama Buddha). Execute your duties and seek your salvation and give unstinting effort to pursue the Dhamma Teaching diligently which will go beyond the cycle of reincarnations and will end your suffering from the worldly life of dichotomies onward to Nirvana or Nippana.'

Secondly, it is beyond normal people's imagination to consider the fact of how to volunteer to help, support and comfort people, especially through the Dhamma Teaching (of the Gautama Buddha), without expecting to gain benefit from people but only to, 'Execute your duties and seek your salvation and give unstinting effort to pursue the Dhamma Teaching diligently which will go beyond the cycle of reincarnations and will end your suffering from the worldly life of dichotomies onward to Nirvana or Nippana', as the second Scenario.

The Third Scenario, also beyond the imagination of normal people, is the fact of how one person is forced to endure the circumstances that person life sinking and plunging into an abyss of violence from selfishness, jealousy, crime and lawlessness of the person entire life to manage to gain the good deeds. This is greatest far out-of-the-way of the end of rainbow and it's beyond the bounds good deeds of normal humans/people. The person who still manages to survive and execute the first two scenarios. You should make true friends with the person and truly honest to respect with the person, too. มิตตสูตร/The true friendship / พระไตรปิฎก เล่มที่ ๒๐ พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่ ๑๒ อังคุตตรนิกาย เอก-ทุก-ติกนิบาต

Note: I feel every government from every country ought to find a way of reducing the violence from selfishness, jealousy, hatred, vengeful thought, disdainful, insulting, stalking, lust, greed and crime. In due course they should introduce the Dhamma Teaching of the Guatama Buddha to the people for intensive learning at their convenience.

However, some countries need to listen to the people more rather being arrogant. They should spend less time talking, be less corrupt and spend more time 'doing'. They must find a way to reduce crime and somehow they've got to spend more time and money on health, education and other things which are necessary for the public. They also ought to find ways of encouraging people to gain the right education, this is based on the www.buddhamap.org in which suited to their interests. Updated: 10/01/2013 13:51:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59., 01/08/2016., 16/08/2016 18:51:45-51., 06/02/2023 17:51:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59., 14/08/2023 22-23:11-13-45-51-56:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59., 22/08/2023 16:11-13-22:41-45-51-54-55-56-57-58-59.